Chapter One

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As I'm walking through Cannibal Town I decide to see if Rosie needs any help with her emporium today.

Rosie and I became pretty close after I came to Hell. I was never a cannibal in my lifetime but with how close I became to Rosie it felt right to live in her area of the Pride ring.

From time to time I go to her emporium and help her organize anything there.

I open the door and a small bell jingles causing her to turn her head towards the door.

She immediately makes her way over and engulfs me into a tight hug.

"Oh (Y/N)! How good it is to see you my dear." She lets go of me and gives me a wide smile.

"It feels like I haven't seen you in a while, how are you?"

I laugh at her enthusiasm. "I've been good. Sorry I haven't been around more recently. I've just been taking some time to myself I guess."

"Well I'm glad you're here now! I was starting to miss seeing your pretty little face." She says keeping a smile on her face.

"Do you need help with anything here today? I don't have anything to do today." I ask her hopeful.

"Would you be willing to help me stock the shelves? A lot of customers have been coming in to buy snacks lately, so we are running low on a lot of varieties."

I nod my head. "Yeah of course." I actually enjoyed stocking shelves for her. It's pretty relaxing, unless Susan is in the shop.

That woman loves to follow me around and nitpick me anytime I make a mistake.

"You're the best!" Rosie says hugging me again, but this time it was a little more tighter. "C'mon darlin' let's get to the snack aisle!"

I follow her to the snack aisle and see she already has the boxes to unpack there.

"Now I'm going to need you to put these up to the top shelf alright?" Rosie says in a happy tone of voice, pointing to one of the boxes.

She then points to the lower shelf. "And then I'll have you put the other two boxes there."

I nod making sure I keep my eyes on the snack box that she wants to be placed on the top shelf. "Alright, I can do that."

"Thank you again, you really are a big help to me." Rosie says in a cheerful tone of voice, patting my head lovingly.

"I'll be at my matchmaking table if you need me." She adds before starting to walk off.

I watch her walk off to her matchmaking table before I start to open up one of the boxes.

There's a variety of snacks such as packages of human fingers, slices of meat, and even some human ears.

I squirm a bit at the snack selection but start to place them on the top shelf.

Rosie watches in the distance, her eyes focused on me.

I do my best to keep my hands steady as I place the snacks up on the higher shelves.

She had a smile on her face as I realized how much of a motherly relationship I have with her.

Soon I finish stocking up the top shelf and I am ready to move onto the next two box's.

I open the next box and continue to do the same thing but making sure to place these items on the bottom shelves.

These were filled with packages of dried out hearts, slices of flesh, and jars of blood.

The more common snacks in the shop were in these two boxes, so it makes sense why she'd want them on the lower shelves.

I finish stocking these shelves just as quickly and glance at the time. "Oh great, time really flew by." I thought to myself.

I dust my hands off before placing them on my hips to look at my work. Everything looks perfectly organized and I smile at that.

"You did a good job hun!" Rosie exclaims coming over to me, a huge smile on her face. "Here, have this."

She pulls a bag of regular jelly beans out of her pocket. "Since you did such a good job, I want to give you these."

I smile at the fact she got regular jelly beans for me. "Thank you Rosie." I open the bag and eat a few. "Do you need help with anything else? If not, could I just chill here?"

"Well actually I'd appreciate it if you could do one more thing." She says with a smile still on her face.

She pulls me to the corner of the shop where her matchmaking table is.

I immediately raise an eyebrow as I have a feeling I know what she's going to ask me.

"Would you be willing to let me match you with someone?" She asks with a big grin on her face, waiting for my answer.

Rosie has been trying to use her matchmaking powers on me for years. I've never been interested in searching for my 'perfect match' especially considering we're in Hell.

"Come on, I just want to do a quick reading to see if there's somebody down here for you." She says pulling me to the table.

She starts getting her things together, she always seems so giddy whenever she gets the chance to use her powers. "Please?"

I sigh with a smile forming on my lips. "Fine, fine." I take a seat across from her at the table.

She claps with excitement as she reaches out her hand. I hesitate for a moment before putting my own hand in hers.

Rosie smiles at my hesitantness, its clear she's happy that I agreed to this.

"Now you just have to close your eyes." She says before putting her other hand over mine.

"Oh, and no peeking, okay? If you peek it'll throw my reading off." She laughs before closing her eyes herself.

I do as she says, closing my eyes. I'm pretty tempted to take a peek but I know better than to do that.

Rosie stays in that position for about a minute and half, I can hear muttering coming from her mouth.

It sounds like she's speaking in a different language, I can't exactly make out what she's saying though.

Finally she opens her eyes and pulls her hand away from mine. "Okay you can open your eyes now!" She says excitedly.

I open my eyes slowly and now I can see how excited she actually is. Her reaction actually makes me pretty confused for a moment.

"Do you know the person? You seem a bit too happy. You don't react this much with your other clients." I ask her.

I've witnessed her do many matchmaking sessions and she's never been this happy after a reading.

Sure, she's always happy for the people she does reading for but never this happy.

She starts grinning from ear to ear and starts to jump up and down a little bit in her seat, she definitely knows.

"Oh I know who your perfect match is! I do and I'm absolutely going to set up a date for you both!" She almost yells, her grin grows bigger, not noticing the fact that my eyes widen at her last comment.

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