dream land - woozi/jihoon

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Requested by : immagulbuddies

"Who are you?...Where are you?"

I'll find you, my love.


-jihoon's pov-

I ran forward, looking side to side. I had to find them. I know they're here. I saw them before...

All I could see was fog and a moon.
Where even am I? Where even are you?
My love...

Ill look until I find you.

Hours, days, weeks.

I found a small hut, I knocked on the door and waiting for a reply or any sign of another's presence.

A man opened the door and let me in.
He asked me what I needed and I told him why I was here.

To find you.

To find my one love.

He asked what you looked like and if I knew your name.
I didn't know your name. But I know what you look like. That perfect face, I could never forget.

H/c hair,
E/c eyes,
S/c skin.

You're so beautiful.

I felt my eyes water as he told me it would be hard to find someone here, I could see where he was coming from, it didnt seem like this place had a boarder. It felt like it went on forever.

I fell asleep at the hut, the man gave me food and a blanket before sending me back on my way with encouraging words.

"Don't give up, once you find them, your life will be a much more colorful place, no more clouds, you will see how the world truly looks through eyes of happiness."

I took my bag and the sack of food his wife gave to me and went back on my trail.

After hours of walking and taking some breaks, I mean my legs are magical.

I finally saw you.

- y/n's pov-

I ran by him, every time I got close enough to him, the world around me would flicker into light.

How can I be sure.... It's been so many years with just a plain white foggy world.

Everyone was different shades of grey.

White and grey...

White and grey...

I turned around and walked slowly to him.

Around three feet apart, the ground around us spread into a colorful flower field, the sky was dark blue and a silver moon sat above our heads.

He looked startled and quickly looked around until his eyes landed on me.

As soon as we made eye contact, our bodies got their color, our clothes, our skin, hair, eyes, lips.

He was beautiful,

I was beautiful.

I walked up to him and smiled softly but he pulled me in and hugged me tightly, nuzzling into my neck and beginning to sob.

"I finally found you..." He choked out.

I hugged him back and felt my eyes begin to water.

"Hi..." I said quietly, rubbing his back.

"I'm y/n"



He pulled from my neck and kissed me softly, pouring all of his love into me. As he pulled away and opened his eyes, they were glowing.

-jihoon's pov-

I really do get to see everything in a new light.

"Im, jihoon."

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