schedule - Hoshi

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Requested by : immagulbuddies



i hate my job at Pedis, ever since i joined, i have to hold back my anger because of how much teasing i receive from Soonyoung.
Every time i had to tell them about a gif they had in either a variety show, or a music show, and so on...
He would always ask questions he KNEW i would get to later on, but he liked to tease and annoy me.
"Are all of us going?"
"What if one of us have to miss?"
"I might be too exhausted since I have _____ the day before"
You could tell by the look in his eyes, he was just trying to get at me.
But you worked for such a well paying company, i just put up with it. It wasn't like he was actually hurting me or anything.
So I just tried my best to ignore it.

Today I came into their meeting room to tell them the schedule for this month.
All eyes landed on me as I entered, as usual.
I stood to the front of the room and connected my tablet to the smart board.
As the file mirrored onto the screen I pointed to each event and explained who was going and what they needed to do, promote, and say.

After I finished, I asked; "any questions?". And to my surprise, it was quiet.
Where's soonyoung?
"Where is soonyoung? I didn't even notice he wasn't here". I asked the members

"He said he needed to use the restroom" seokmin said. Seungkwan nodded in agreement.

"Oh, I'll stay here to go over it with him when he is done. If any of you see him, can you tell him to come please?"
And they emptied the room.

Almost immediately after they left, he walked through the door, closing it back behind him.

I looked up from my tablet and towards the man in front of me.
"Hey, Nura." He said, sitting in the chair, closest to the board, and me.

His hair had to be freshly done. It was different from two days ago, his new growth redone and freshly platinum.

"Okay, so..." , I began as I told him the upcoming dates.
But the whole time he was just quiet, not looking at the board, but at me.
"Are you okay?" I asked, tilting my head to the side, slightly.
He simply nodded, so I awkwardly just continued telling him.

After I finished, I turned back to him, and he was still staring at me.
"So you really dislike me that much?" He said
"Excuse me?" I asked, confused.
"You didn't even realize I was gone. Mingyu told me" he said, his tone plain.
"Its not like that, you're usually here every time, so I didn't bother to look-"
He stood up and walked closer to me.
"So then you don't dislike me?" He said, his tone deepening.
"I never said I disliked you" i said.
Why was I so embarrassed? Hes so close..and his voice.. it feels like I'm being scolded.
"Every time I talk to you, you seem so annoyed, y/n" he said
"Its not like that, I just think the questions you ask are pretty self explanatory.." i felt so small under his gaze.
"Why are you getting shy? Im just talking to you. You're acting like you have a crush on me or something" he joked.




Do I?
Why am I not talking back to him?
Where is my attitude I'm famous for?
Why does he look so hot...?

"A photo will last longer, you know" he chuckled.
I quickly averted my eyes and looked over to the smartboard.
"So, you have everything for this month?" I tried to change the topic.

"Y/n... It's okay to like me, who wouldn't."
He joked again, stepping closer.


"You're too cocky, I would never like you."
I said, my face twisted.
"Then why are you letting me stand so close to you, just one step closer and we would kiss" he smirked, looking into my eyes.
I took a step back...then another...and another, before my back hit the wall.
He chuckled and contined speaking "you don't want to push me away?" He said, walking closer, even more than before.
"You can push me away, and I'll leave you alone, but you're so intriguing, I can't help myself." He whispered.

Looking into his eyes, my cheeks heated up at the intense stare he gave me.
"Soonyoung, this-"
"Ill give you once chance to push me away" he says "but if you don't, I'll gladdly show you how passion feels" his lips curved up, as his hand caged be between himself and the wall.
"Here's your chance" he said, looking deeply into my eyes.

Why can't I move?

I'm not moving?


My mind blanked as he harshly pressed his lips against mine, in a rough kiss.
Without thinking I grabbed the back of his neck and pulled him closer.
Our lips moved together in a beautiful dance number.

His free hand moved to snake around my waist and pull my body against his. My chest pressed to his and so were our stomachs.

He parted our lips and laughed "so its not that you dislike me? It seems like you actually do like me, huh? You're cute." He mocked.
"Well, I'll see you next month, y/n" he said before walking to the door and leaving, closing it behind him.

Oh fuck me 🤦‍♀️

Theres no way that just...


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