Chapter 1: Xemnas

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[Chapter one: Xemnas]

Xemnas had been told that two females with no purpose in their lives were wondering around twilight town. The first he found was the elder of the two Arxinas, she was given to Zexion as an apprentice and given the task to go with him on missions when he had to leave out for Recon missions. She watched emotionlessly as she never spoke or showed any sign of learning what he taught her.

Zexion thought that the fact she kept her hood over her head all the time as skeptical as they went on recon missions together until one time a Large body heartless rammed into her and knocked her off of her feet. She didn't ever liked being touched which when he saw that she had been knocked off of her feet he watched her to see just what would happen to her.

She got up and the only thing he saw in her eyes was something that could be known as anger. In her hand was a two sided blade that was black and dark purple, she charged right for the large body as her hood slid off of her head revealing her medium length brown hair and her brown eyes or at least one of them. Her left eye was covered by her bangs which went down part of her face.

After that recon she kept her hood down, she still didn't talk though. He had no other choice but to question her about it. He summoned her to the library where the two sat on the couch and he looked to her seriously.

"Why don't you talk Arxinas?"

"You've never up to now given me a reason to. What do you dislike how I am sir?" She asked with a raised eyebrow

He was silent for a bit before he sighed and rubbed between his eyes. "You've been here for almost an entire year, if I didn't get any progress with you, you'd be turned into a dusk Arxinas. I don't believe you want that."

She shook her head. "I do apologize, is this all you wish to talk to me about?"

He shook his head before he tapped his chin in thought. "How much of your past have you remembered?"

"Up to the part that I was separated from my younger sister after our world was totally destroyed and we ended up in Twilight Town."

"What was her name?"

"Well I called her Guen, but her full name is Guenivere."

"I'd ask you if you worry for her but we have no hearts, so that's an irrelevant question to you."

"I still try to remember how it was to care for her." Arxinas said sadly looking down

"Xigbar found her and just today she is being placed into the organization. Would you like to see her?"

She sat up straight and nodded her head. "Yes, I'd like that very much!"

With Iuengxvere she was sitting in a big white room that she knew she had to find blue paint and paint it all different colors of blue. She was told to wait there by a blond male that had spikey hair. She had no idea why until she saw a brunette woman come into the room with a dark blue haired male.

The two went up to the girl and the male spoke first.

"Hello Iuengxvere how are you today?" He asked

"I'm fine Zexion, who's she?" Iuengxvere asked

"She's...well. Why don't you tell her?" Zexion said as he looked between the two women.

"My name is Arxinas, you might remember me as Rina."

She thought for a moment and her eyes went wide. "S-Sissy?!"

Arxinas nodded her head. "Yup, the one and only."

She got up and hugged her elder sister and tears went down her face. Zexion didn't understand how it was possible since they had no hearts which meant that they couldn't feel emotions. He had a feeling there was something that was going straight over his head but he had no idea what though.

"Arxinas, come now. We have a mission we need to go on. You can speak with her later."

"Okay, I did make a promise." She said as she looked to Zexion.

The two then left and went to Neverland where they did recon there. Zexion took note of how she was acting before she met her sister and how she acted afterwards. Zexion saw that the female had changed how she was totally and completely. It seemed like her sister was her motivation.

He didn't understand just how siblings worked due to being a single child and from his own knowledge being adopted. So he really didn't understand how the two females acted like.

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