Early years of Hillview: BTS, TXT, Enhypen

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Hillview School was not a very warm place to be in, especially for kids. The headmaster valued good grades and perfect behavior too much and he did not usually take a moment to remember that his students were only kids, some even as young as five years old when they start at the school. Therefore, it was usually up to the older members of the student body to make sure that the younger boys had a happy childhood, at least to the best of their abilities. As soon as they had dongsaengs to care for, the seven dorm members of the BTS dorm had taken a sort of parental role in the lives of their dongsaengs. 

"Bedtime! Are you all ready?" Jin peeked into the younger boys' room. 

"Do we have to!?" Beomgyu whined. Yeonjun was already cleaning up, putting his Legos away. It was one of the only things that the boys had. He got it as a birthday gift from Namjoon shortly after arriving but he shared with his dormmates anyways. 

"Yes, you have to. Did you brush your teeth?" Jin nodded, following Beomgyu to the bathroom with a hand on his head.

"Yes?" Beomgyu decided, unsure if that would work. Jin knelt down in front of him.

"Choi Beomgyu, are you lying to me?" Jin wondered.

"No hyung" Beomgyu shook his head, trying to look as innocent as possible to win Jin over. Jin knew what he was doing.

"Let me smell" Jin ordered. Beomgyu stomped his foot and ran off to go brush his teeth, for real this time. Yeonjun and Soobin laughed as they passed by, trying to hide it. 

"I don't know what you two are laughing at cause I know for a fact that you haven't finished getting ready either" Jin scolded.

"You can't prove that" Yeonjun retorted. Jin raised an eyebrow, looking down once at the boys' clothes. Yeonjun and Soobin did the same and realized that he could, in fact, prove that they weren't ready for bed. They were still in their uniforms. 

"Oh" Yeonjun blushed.

"Now go, unless you want a smacking before bed" Jin watched the boys run off. Him, Jungkook and Jimin were taking care of the TXT boys while Namjoon, Taehyung, Hobi, and Yoongi were occupied with the rowdier Enhypen boys. 

"And what about you two?" Jimin crouched down in front of the youngest two. 

"I brushed!" Taehyun boasted, smiling as brightly as he could to prove it. Jin could see that he was being honest and both boys were already in their pjs. 

"Alright, since you two are the only ones actually ready without being told, do you want a story?" Jin settled down on Kai's bed, taking the book that he was given. All too soon, the other three boys came in and settled down in their own beds. Yeonjun sat down in between Jungkook and Jimin while Beomgyu claimed a spot beside Jin. Taehyun promptly, and without invitation, claimed Jungkook's lap and Soobin turned over on his stomach to watch from his bunk bed. Despite Jin reading extremely slow, none of the five boys were asleep when he finished, putting the book to the side. 

"Alright, goodnight boys" Jin tucked Soobin and Beomgyu in while Jimin took care of Yeonjun and Jungkook struggled to get Taehyun off him. Jin hoped that his other friends were having more luck with the Enhypen section.

"Niki! If I have to tell you again to put your shirt on, I will not be happy" Yoongi waited. He rarely ever raised his voice but this kid was getting on his nerves. Niki giggled and ran off, still holding his pajama shirt. Yoongi was getting tired of chasing after him so instead, he stayed where he was and soon, Namjoon walked in just in time to catch Niki before the five year old could make it out the door.

"Hyung, I think the point is to be putting them to bed, not letting them run around" Namjoon pointed out. Yoongi glared at him, forcing Niki into his shirt. 

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