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Jake:when I woke up I immediately thought about my kitten *in mind*WHERE IS MY KITTEN?! HOW LONG WAS I OUT? WHAT TIME IS IT? I looked for the nearest clock which was on the wall *11:34pm* "SHIT IVE LEFT HER ALONE FOR HOURS" without thinking I sprung up using my super smell to find her sent "shoot she's all the way on the other side of the hospital" *in mind* heh ig this is gonna be a fun time alone with my own thoughts heh...ig I deserve it* considering it was a really REALLY big hospital I knew it was going to be a while so I started to run trying not to awake anyone or alert any nurses.

Emily: I woke up, my head hurts so badly. i rubbed my eyes as i looked
around, i spotted a nurse as she talked to me quickly. 

Nurse: "Hello, Miss Emily. Come, we need a blood test!" She spoke.

i followed the nurse as she led me to a room, i sat down at a chair. God, i was so confused.. what happened? I felt the needle go into my small petite arm as the pain hit me. ow! that really h-hurts.
"why do we need a blood test for..?" I ask the nurse, she looks at me with shock as she hands me a paper with my name on it.  On the paper it read my blood type, right next to it was.... A.. a vampire? a v-vampire?! i was a vampire? *in head* if i'm a vampire then.. that means me and jake cant be together.. its not compatible...!
Nurse: "miss emily, you are a vampire, would you like me to tell anyone that is close to you about it?"
"no! please.. dont tell my boyfriend about this." I spoke, my voice shaking as i didnt want him to worry about this. this hurt me hard.. really hard. I even felt my heart shatter a little bit. "i also have to tell you that you are the lost long vampire princess, the princess has been missing for 17 years and you match her blood type." Said the nurse, my eyes widened as i looked over to the side, tears filled my eyes as i close them shut. "Thank you.. nurse." I speak back, i wipe my tears away as I get up from my chair.

Jake:after what felt like forever I finally reached her room when I walked in she was sitting in a chair she looked like she had been crying and she had this look on her face..I know my kitten better then anyone something was definitely on her mind but that wasn't my main concern my main concern was her physical state *in mind* istg if there's any bad damage I-i I don't think I'm ever forgive myself...* I shiver at the thought as a go to her "hey kitten...ARE YOU OK,WHAT HAPPENED, WHAT DID THE NURSES SA-" I was cut off by her

Emily: "heh silly I'm ok! They said I can go home I just have to be more..careful that's it"

Jake:I knew she wasn't telling me the whole truth but I was to tired to fight with her and I didn't wanna hurt her anymore I know she's to fragile for that "ok if you say so sugercakes" I pick up my plum sized kitten who looks like a baby in my strong arms "heh your as beautiful as a princess you know that right" I say as I look in her big blue eyes just then I see her become pale and mumble something I couldn't pick up *in mind* hmmm...maybe she's just cold* I leave it at that as I walk faster to her house.

Emily: I wasnt telling him the truth, i was not okay.. it was just weird. I didnt even know... why..? Why am i a vampire??
i giggle as he picks me up with his strong musclar arms, how dreamy... but then he spoke about me being pretty as a princess, my face changed a little, looking up at him. "well.. i am one." I mubble, saying it was quiet as possible.
"I love you, Jakey!" I say, changing the tone, as he walks faster to my house.

Jake:"huh?, oh I love you too my sweet kitten" I stop in front of her door and put her down I give her a passionate kiss before I say "get some sleep you've had a long day I'll call you when I get home I love you boo" after we hug and walk away I begin thinking again what wasn't she telling me? I know there was something up it was only a matter of time before I find out or she breaks and tells me *in mind*  my kitten always tells me everything why isn't she telling me now?! Maybe I'm just overthinking it...NO I can't be after what I saw and happened today she definitely sees me definitely...* i soon arrive home and get into my room ignoring my mother's screams of where I've been I can't tell her she would say what she always does. I sit down and call my kitten she answers surprisingly slow and when she answers I hear...grons? MY KITTEN IS IN PAIN "k-kitten are you ok?? Why are yo-, NVM IM COMING NOW KITTEN DONT WORRY" *in mind* I KNEW SHE WASNT TELLING ME THE TRUTH GRRR I jump out of my window and run faster then I ever think I have before to her house.

Emily: As we reach my house, i tried to smile so he wouldn't suspect a thing. I step out from his arms as he kisses me. I giggle before turning around to open my door. I turn my head back as i wave goodbye. "I'll call you later!" I smile before going into my house.
But.. suddenly i feel weird. My body hurts.. my teeth hurts.. it hurts everywhere, i walk weakly to my couch i lay there as i look down at my hands. I hear my phone ring, how long has it been? it.. it hurts so bad it's so much for my small tiny body!  I grab my phone and press answer, he was speaking but i couldnt hear him.. god it hurts. It really hurts.. it h-hurts! "agh... i-it hurts.." I murmured, the pain getting worse. But suddenly i feel something poke my lip, i place my finger at my lip as i felt something sharp.. what the heck? is it.. my teeth? I get up quickly before going to a nearby mirror, i open my mouth to see two razor sharp teeth on my teeth.. and my eyes.. they were red! "what the.." i look closer to my face, i look paler then usual, my teeth and eyes look completely different.. whats going on?!

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