Chapter 47: The Quiet Part Aloud

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Chapter 47: The Quiet Part Aloud

110 E. Park Ave, The Park Cafe Outskirts, Baltiney, New York...

      Malcolm Reeves found himself once more at the park Cafe and awaiting the arrival of yet another guest for a personal meeting. This time he had not been watching the clock in search of Ryker Kennison as a very angry and baffled EvelynTowers briskly made her way toward him. She had not looked to have been in the mood for lunch as she glared rather murderously at Malcolm Reeves the moment she reached his outside table. The wind had been blowing quite fierce blowing her wild-looking long brown locks and blazer respectively. She'd always been a formidable force of nature, even Malcolm had thought so when he first met her, Sera's best friend and fellow waitress while she put herself through the numerous bills that law school provided.

"Have you and that old man Coleman lost your ever-loving minds?" she hissed with indignation. "What the hell possessed you to suspend Ryker from the company and then throw Sera's death in his face like we don't all know that only leads to his more volatile self-destructive behaviors....could you two be any more dense?"

"Well hello to you too, Evelyn," said Malcolm gathering himself in the wake of her verbal sparring. "Long time no see."

Evelyn Towers narrowed her eyes at the man who had formerly been best man at Ryker Kennison's wedding to her best friend.

"Pressuring him is not going to work," she said after a heavy sigh as she took a seat in the chair opposite a very composed and casual Malcolm.

"I am well aware of that, but sometimes...I can't stand to look at him, not like that," admitted Malcolm with a good deal of sadness behind his tone.

"It's a miracle he's survived at all," remarked Evelyn rather snidely. "Why don't you and Coleman ever be grateful for that?"

"It's not that, it's...he's so different so unruly and vulgar these days I can hardly stand the sight of him but this...getting that girl pregnant is just a bridge too far," said Malcolm seemingly coming undone in the wake of his fury.

"What girl?" asked Evelyn now curious as to what had been happening while she'd been out of the loop.

"You remember the twelve-year-old we rescued from the plane at the crash site?" asked Malcolm with an arched brow.

"Yes, well vaguely," replied Evelyn sifting through her memory banks for the name of the girl, "Valeria Rom something."

"Valencia Ramos." Malcolm corrected her with a bit of annoyance.

"What about her?" asked Evelyn not at all in the loop as far as what Ken had been up to since she last parted ways with him until their meeting at his office.

"Ryker's gone and knocked her up," growled Malcolm further illustrating his annoyance through gritted teeth. "She's three months pregnant from the looks of it and he doesn't want anything to do with it, the whole thing stinks to high heaven if you ask me, the bloody idiot should never have gotten involved with her sexually in the first place."

Evelyn took a moment to let what Malcolm had told her sink in.

"He must be going out of his mind," she said understanding the plight of the ailing man more so than what he'd done to the girl.

"What else is new?" asked Malcolm a bit bitterly. "He's a big boy, he stuck his cock in her without regard for the consequences then he can handle fatherhood and the responsibility of stealing the girl's virtue."

This time Evelyn rolled her eyes.

"Need I remind you that Ryker is suffering from a mental disorder and had the loss of his wife and previous children, that girl you are so hellbent on remaining blameless in this equation was well aware of this when she as a grown woman went out of her way to spread her legs for him," said Evelyn in Ken's defense.

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