Chapter Two

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Madelines pov

I woke up with a dry mouth and confusion clouding my brain. I had to blink multiple times before I felt like I could finally see my surroundings. Once I remembered the past few hours leading up to me getting in bed I was a little less confused. I got up and made my way out to the kitchen to grab a drink seeing the time on the oven displayed as 2:34.

I grabbed a glass out of the cupboard and quietly filled it to the top with water before quickly drinking it all. I watched as the time changed on the oven and I realised how awake I was feeling. I walked over to the windows and looked at how busy the streets still were and decided to go for a walk.

I went to my room and chucked on a pair of sweats and a hoodie to keep myself warm. I let my hair out so it draped across my shoulders and slid my feet into my cons. I grabbed my keys, tucking it into my pocket, and I snuck out the front door being careful to close it gently behind me so I didn't wake Mel up.

As I made my way out onto the street I realised just how cold it really was. Cursing myself for not grabbing a scarf I made my way down the street. The street lights were bright and provided enough light for me to see my surroundings.

I crossed over the street and began walking by all the shop fronts, looking in through the windows I took notice of some cute shirts and pants and made a mental note to come back on one of my days off. I crossed street after street before finally reaching the end of the shops. I spun around ready to make my way back when I seen something move into an alley way I passed just moments ago.

I paused for a second, thinking about my options and what would be the safest. I decided against walking past the alley way and ended up crossing the street and quickly speed walking all the way back to my apartment building.

When I was in the building lobby with the door clicked shut only then did I let out a massive breath I didn't know I was holding in.

Did I just avoid being kidnapped? Was there anyone even there? Am I going crazy? Thought after thought rushed through my head as I made my way back up the stairs to the real safety of my apartment.

I curled up in my bed, not being able to shake the feeling of being followed. I know I wasn't the only one in the street and it could've just been someone who genuinely needed to go down that way but you never know.

I let my thoughts bounce around for a couple minutes before I finally let myself fall asleep.
I woke up in the morning to Mel crashing around in what sounded like the living room. I made my way out, rubbing my eyes and yawning, and saw her basically flipping the place upside down.
"What on earth are you doing Mel?" I questioned, still watching her bolt around our living room. "My keys, my car keys, I don't know what i've done with them" she stated as she was still frantically looking in every crevice they could be.

After about 5 minutes of the both of us looking she found them in her jacket pocket and quickly raced out the door with a short "goodbye mads I love you!"

Since I was already up I decided to get ready for my day. My work shift wasn't until 3 so I had the whole day to read and go back to the shops for a little more looking.

I made my way to the bathroom first and brushed my teeth and hair before putting on some mascara and lip gloss. After that I went into my bedroom and changed so I looked a little more presentable. I wore a white knit sweater and some flare leggings and my black cons of course.

I grabbed my keys and phone from my bedside table and ventured out into the world. The air was cold and made me shiver a little, once I was on the same street as last night I started looking over my mental note trying to remember what stores I wanted to check out.

The first store I walked into was a mixed shop with lots of different clothes. After being greeted by the warm air a nice looking lady came up to me and made her presence and assistance known. I gave her a smile and moved deeper into the shop, flicking through some of the clothes on the rack I accidentally bumped into someone.

"I am so sorry" I began apologising immediately as I looked up at him. He had gorgeous green eyes and longish blonde hair, he smiled down at me and told me not to worry. "You have gorgeous eyes" he mentioned, making a blush creep up onto my face. "Thank you, your eyes are just as gorgeous" I returned the compliment, trying not to trip over my words so he didn't think I was an idiot.

"Thank you, darling" and that was my queue to leave before I fell head over heels for this guy. I smiled before pretending I was interested in something else and trying to very casually walk away.

another guyyyy?
i feel like this book is slow moving but fast moving at the same time?
maybe im just excited to start writing the good stuff iykwim.
do you prefer slow burns or fast burns?
any other tips for me??

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