Chapter Three

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Madeleines Pov

I passed the lady her coffee and offered her a small smile as I began busying myself with the next task. I heard someone clear their throat and turned around to the register, I looked up and was face to face with yet again another gorgeous man.

"H-hey, what can I get you" I accidentally stumbled over my words for the first time in forever. "Hey love, just three black coffees thank you" he flashed the cutest smile as he reached in his pocket. He had brown hair and bright blue eyes and looked adorable. "To have here or takeaway?" I questioned letting my eyes wonder to his hoodie, not being able to hold eye contact. "To have here please darling" He chucked a 20 on the counter, told me to keep the change and walked off, my eyes following him to the booth he was sitting at and watching him slide to the wall opposite two other unknown guys.

I made their coffees, black, boring. I put the cups on a tray and walked them over to the table he was sitting at. I avoided eye contact and slid the cups off the tray down onto the table, sneaking what was supposed to be a quick look but freezing when I immediately noticed the other two guys sitting in front of me. One from the cafe and one from the shop. I realised that I had been staring for a while when I noticed the smirks on their faces.

"Oh" was all I could manage as I stayed staring, my eyes bouncing between all three of them. "Don't you think staring is a little rude love?" the guy from the cafe spoke, narrowing his eyes at me.

"Yes, I am sorry, I think- no have we-" my jumbled up words were interrupted by the guy from the shop chuckling lightly. "I think we have met" he said, giving a knowing smirk to the others. "Don't be mean, leave the poor little thing alone" the guy who ordered the drinks said offering me a smile.

"We have met before love, we thought it was only fair you meet our other brother too" cafe guy spoke up. "You guys are brothers?" I questioned, studying them quickly and realising their similarities. "We are" the guy who ordered answered. "Im Matthew" the cafe guy introduced, the shop guy introduced himself as Tristan, and the guy who ordered was Caleb.

"Looks like someone needs to teach you some manners little one, don't you think its rude to not share your name with us?" Matthew spoke, looking me directly in the eyes. "Oh right my apologies, im Madeleine but you can call me maddie or mads, thats what my roommate calls me but yo-" I cut myself off when I realised I was rambling on and the three men were staring at me.

There was an awkward silence and I felt small under all their gazes, "well I have to get back to work.. bye!" I quickly shot out before basically running behind the counter and out the back so I could catch my breath. My hands were sweating and my anxiety was through the roof. I drank some water and allowed myself some extra time to calm myself down before I ventured back out to continue taking orders and such.

When it was time to close I knew the three guys were still sitting in their exact same spot, and I was a nervous wreck as I watched the last customer pack up their things ready to leave, knowing it would leave them and me. alone.

I started wiping down counters, putting things away, keeping myself as busy as possible, but they didn't move. I gathered as much of my courage as I could and marched over to their table with the intentions to kick them out. My marches grew weak and my confidence even weaker. By the time I reached their table I was just a ball of anxiety standing before them.

"Yes little miss?" Matthew asked as he eyed me up and down. My hands started fidgeting and I knew I looked just about as confident as I felt. Nothing had happened, they were just like everyday regular customers, why did they have such an effect on me?

"You need to leave now.. we're closed." I finally choked out the words, avoiding eye contact. "Are you talking to the walls or to us Madeleine?" Matthew questioned in a strong tone. I looked him in the eyes, my confidence faltering even more, "I am speaking to you" I confidently got out before being shot down with a "is that so" from Tristan almost immediately.

My anxiety level was basically touching the moon as of now and I began to wiggle my fingers to keep focus. "Yes" was all I could manage without bursting into tears. "C'mon guys, no need to tease her, look at the poor girl" Caleb spoke as he offered me another small smile, standing up, getting ready to leave and hopefully drag his brothers with him.

"Can we take you home?" Caleb offered as the other two got up. "No" I said averting my eyes from his. "Where are your manners?" Matthew questioned in a stern tone as he caught my wandering gaze. I looked back at Caleb and then to Matthew again, all three of them were staring at me, standing in front of me towering over me. I felt intimidated. I didn't think they would hurt me, but you never know.

I took a step back before meeting Matthews harsh eyes and half mumbling a "please leave". I wish someone was working with me right now so I could run away and cry and they could deal with these three. "Please let us take you home little one" Caleb asked once more, in such a way as if he was speaking to a toddler.

I questioned my options, I didn't know these guys at all but I knew them more than any weirdo creeps that would decide to jump out at me on my walk home. At least with these guys the cafe cameras could identify them as the last people I was with. I nodded my head yes, before adding a small please feeling Matthews gaze burning into me once again.

I quickly finished tidying up, taking my apron off and grabbing my things before I followed them out to their car. Caleb got into the drivers seat and Tristan got into the passenger seat which meant I was stuck in the back with Matthew the meanie. I climbed in, put my seatbelt on and pulled my legs up onto the chair and to my chest so I could wrap my arms around them in an attempt to keep them warm. I told Caleb my address before Matthew walked around and got in the car.

He sat in the middle seat causing me to move over to create more distance for myself. He got out his phone and started scrolling on whatever it was that he was doing. I subconsciously tapped my fingers on my legs, stopping when Matthew pointed it out. I stared out the window and soon realised I didn't recognise any of my surroundings. I pushed myself up a little more so I was basically pressing my face to the glass and sure enough, I didn't know where we were off to.

The panic settled in, I looked up at Caleb and Tristan, they did not return my look. I realised that Matthew was the biggest of the three and that was probably why he sat in the back with me, even though I'm pretty sure each of them could easily take me on alone.

I moved so I was pressed up against the door, my shaking hands moved to grab my phone from my pocket. "Are you cold?" Matthew questioned, making me freeze. "No" I replied, trying to cut the conversation short. "Why are you shaking so badly?" Matthew questioned again, putting his hand on my leg to feel my temperature. His hands were hot on my cold legs and I melted into his touch for just a second before my walls went back up.

His hand lingered, I wanted to cry, this was it, this was going to be how I died, just as I was thinking over all my memories the car pulled up in front of my apartment building. I paused, in shock maybe? Looking over all three guys and realising I was an idiot in the first place for getting into a car with them, a quick "thank you" shot out my mouth before I flew out of the car and ran all the way up the stairs, not stopping until I was in my apartment and the door was locked.

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