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So I tell you guys all my problems right?

Well guess what?

I woke up this morning to some bullshit!

So apparently I gave a tbr to someone (picture) and I felt like we had a problem so I put it out there.

So this hoe sister gon comment on my shit like the Tbr was for her? (Picture)


So I cussed that hoe out😴

This is what I said,

"I speak nothing but the truth 'honey'I just had some to get off my chest and let her know what's up but apparently you wanna jump in it and 'cuss me out' like that shit fazed me? K. Sure I really don't fucking care. I don't give a fuck if Mia supposed to be your sister the Tbr was not for you so back tf up. If Mia got a problem with it she can come to me and we'll talk about it. But if you got some slick to come out your mouth don't comment on my shit bitch DM me cuh this shit crazy as hell. I swear you can't be serious no more without people taking yo ass as a fucking joke.😒"

Im mean as hell but she came across me with her funky ass underarms😒😴
Comment Y'all Opinions Before I Fuck This Hoe Up😡

-Nasiaa 👿

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