The start

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Man-"fire there's a fire"

The people gather round to put out the fire. The flames wouldn't die out. Then three figures emerge from the fire.

Man-"hey theirs survivors"

Albert-"my name is Albert James moriarty and these are my brothers Louis and m/n"

Louis-"are you ok brother you are staring off into space"

M/n-"ah yes just wondering what will happen next"

Albert-"why don't we go out to have lunch"

M/n-"I guess I have some free time"

Louis-"I will get the carriage ready"

A few minutes later the carriage arrives and they all enter.

M/n-"did you have a place in mind Albert"

Albert-"I did. It's a bit away but who cares"

Know in this family Albert is the oldest. 'M/n' is the middle child and Louis is the youngest. They might not be biologically related but there bond goes deeper then family. Albert works with the government while you are a mathematician. Louis is the butler of the house making sure everything is in order.

Once you arrive you notice it is a small little place but it was crowded.

Waiter-"how many will it be"

Albert-"table for 3 please."

Waiter-"right this way sirs"

She then guides you to the table. It didn't go unnoticed in how she kept sneaking glances at you.

Waiter-"here you go sirs someone will be with you in a minute."

Mean while a short kid with blue hair walks in with his tall black hair butler.

Waiter-"and how many"

Ceil-"table for two"

Waiter-"right this way"

They sit at a table two away from you

Louis-"brother what will be our next move"

M/n-"first let's enjoy lunch then we will discuss later."

The butler was looking at your table.

Ceil-"is everything ok Sebastian"

Sebastian-"yes everything is fine young master"

The three of you are enjoying your meal and pay. During the carriage ride home you discuss further plans.

M/n-"moran should be on it right now"

Albert-"so everything went according to plan"


Louis-"I'm sure it will be in the paper"


Know to clarify something the queen does not know it is you and your crew behind the murders. She isn't entirely against it but she does have people looking for the responsible. Know are you an aristocrat of evil. I haven't decided yet. Ok back to the story.

When you get home you sit down on the couch and immediately fall asleep.

Louis-"seriously again brother. If you keep falling asleep like this you will get back problems."

Albert-"then let's bring him to his room."

And so they do.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07 ⏰

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