03| Sight seeing

337 14 3

Warnings: Cursing, gore, death, murder, vomit/ depictions of bodily fluids

Three planets later and nothing. All the planets they were told to visit so far were either deserts incapable of hosting human life, icy waste lands incapable of hosting human life, or oceans incapable of hosting human life.

It was so strange! They were told to go to these planets with the promise of curing these people of their ailments but instead were met with nothing! No signs of human life or any life at all!

And so here they were, the fourth planet. This time it wasn't some icy wasteland or desert. It was a planet covered in greenery.

There were trees as far as the eye could see and plants and flowers scattered all over the ground.

"You think ther'll finally be someone to save." Mors turned to face Ratio shortly after they had exited their plane. Ratio didn't respond as he looked up at the sky, squinting as if he saw something strange.

"C'mon, let's get moving. See if this trip won't be a complete waste of my time." Mors began to walk off with Ratio continuing to stare at the sky for a moment longer before following after.

The pair continued to wander for the next half hour before taking a break in a small clearing in the thick forest. Mors looked down at their feet seemingly transfixed by the new plants. While Ratio looked up at the sky again. "Why are you so interested in the sky all of sudden? It's not like it's going anywhere."

"Give me your binoculars?" Ratio stretched his hand out to Mors who was squatting on the ground expecting to feel the weight of the binoculars in his hand.

When he was finally handed said binoculars he walked to a tall tree, using his arms to climb up it. "Hey! What're you doing?" Mors followed after trying to keep up with his pace as the two scaled the tree.

Ratio finally made it up to one of the highest branches before bringing the binoculars to his eye looking around.

"Holy shit." Mors gasped out of breath before plopping down onto the branch next to Ratio's. "Why the hell did you do that?"

"Hey is tha-'' Ratio suddenly started moving. "We have to go!" His voice sounded of the utmost urgency quickly making his way back down the tree.

Mors looked down suddenly feeling frozen, noticing how high up they were. "OH FUCK IT." Mors started jumping down from branch to branch until they were around eight feet off the ground.

But right at the last second they seemed to lose their foothold, falling down from their position.

Falling and falling, trying to prepare themselves for the impact, until...

Thunk! They hit the ground back first, slapping their hands against the ground trying to soften the impact.

"That's gonna bruise." Mors continued to lay in their spot for a moment more before sitting up and cracking their back, wincing multiple times in the process.

They looked up to see Ratio the distance, already making way without them. Mors grabbed their bag before racing after him, fighting through the severe back pain they were experiencing.

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