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"I see his reflection in you, I hate it. I hate you."

It wa any other normal day. Chenle just existing and Jisung hating everything everything about his existence, nothing ever changed, and Chenle's afraid nothing ever will change. He's afraid of change, but still the same time he wants it to happen. What will happen if Jisung changes? Will he finally like Chenle? Will he finally accept him?

"I just want to be loved."


"Look, Chenle I know you're sad but you can't just skip school because of Jisung. If you truly despised him like you said you did hunderes of times before you wouldn't be this disappointed over him saying he hates you as if he didn't say it multiple times already.

Haechan didn't realize it but he did not make Chenle's case any better. Him talking about how many times the word hate his been addressed to him in a non friendly matter from one person, that person being someone he wants to not hate him truly hurts more than hell.

He could feel his chest tighten as he sat on his bed curled up into a ball. He never felt more disappointed in himself. Not only for believing he could change him, but for also staying around him long enough to get attached to the younger.

The way he shut Chenle out of his life not once, not twice, but multiple times made Chenle feel some type of way. And not in the way where you would feel butterflies fill up. Your stomach, more like someone violently stabbing you till your last breath and then leaving you on life support when it's better for them to just pull the plug.

Yeah, crazy comparison, but that's what he feels every time he remembers how much Jisung despises him.

That also brings him back to his first thought he had ever since Jisung started acting this way. And yes, Jisung wasn't originally like this, but Chenle has yet to find out why the sudden change occurred and how exactly it happened.

"Why does he hate me?"


Reflection | ChenjiWhere stories live. Discover now