04: sympathy

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"Bye, Ma," Vijay said, carrying his bag and leaning to kiss his mother's cheek

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"Bye, Ma," Vijay said, carrying his bag and leaning to kiss his mother's cheek. "Make mutton biriyani for dinner today. I'll come back with the trophy."

Vijay's mother laughed and kissed his son's cheek back. "Yes, yes. All the best, kanna."

His father rolled his eyes but there was an affectionate undertone to his action. "Come on, it's getting late. I have to go to work after dropping you, remember?"

"You're just jealous Vijay doesn't give you kisses whenever he leaves home," his mother said, making Vijay bark a laugh. He stuffed the last hard-boiled egg into his mouth and put on his shoes.

"All I want from him is to graduate college with decent scores and get a good job, settle down with a good wife as soon as possible so that I can retire happily," Vijay's father grumbled.

"You sure you don't want a kiss, pa? Or a hug? That's a lot easier to do." His father raised an eyebrow. "Just saying," Vijay said, his lips curling into a grin.

"Just get out of the house for now," he said, picking up his keys.

Vijay raised his arms and stepped out of the house after his mother managed to wish him good luck again. His eyes fell upon his bike standing in the patio, polished and ready to take it for a spin but mercilessly ignored. Vijay's heart pinched, a feeling of longing and fear making his stomach stir. He shook himself out of it, knowing he couldn't afford to get sucked in the quicksand of self-sabotage. Not now, when he had to be focused. He got on his father's bike and waved to his mother before his father sped to the field.

Today, he had the qualifying competition for his state level championship. Vijay was pretty confident he would make it in. According to his coach, he had a pretty good track record than most of the participants. Running was one thing that Vijay was a natural at. He loved nothing more than the adrenaline rush he experienced as the clapper struck loud, the feel of the wind rushing through his hair, making him feel like he was flying and the way his chest pushed against the finish line along with the roar in the crowds.

He loved it all.

He was born to run.

He was born to win.



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