08: weakness

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hey this is vijayis this nila?

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this is vijay
is this nila?

i literally typed my number in your phone
ofc it's me

no, farah always gives a fake number to men so i was just checking

well you've reached nila. wassup?

are you okay? i didn't see you on the bus today

oh no i am fine. i am out of town.

when will you be back?

in four days


why? do you miss rescuing me?

kinda. yk how we men are. can't live without external validation and feeding our saviour complex

points for your honesty and self-awareness

hey i was kidding. i don't have a saviour complex


seriously. i'll gladly let you save me any day. in fact, I'd be honoured

noted 😂

anyway, did you eat?

yeah just now. wbu?

yeah ma made ghee roast

😭 the sweet sambar here isn't it for me. can't stomach it

you're in karnataka?

yup, bangalore

ah, then run back to chennai

i wish i can 😭

just say the word and i'll get you out of there

saviour complex acting up again huh?

shut up

btw, who's farah?


It has been three days since Vijay last saw Nila. They had been texting each other however often they could without being a distraction but in Vijay's case, it didn't work. Nila texted him once during his class and he sneaked in his phone between the pages of Krish's five-subject notebook to text her back. Even when she realised belatedly that it was his class hours, he lied to her that he was in his break to continue texting her.

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