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Summer would always be the best season, no doubt. With that being said, why did it have to be this hot?! Romeo huffed, repeatedly pulling at his shirt to let the air flow through. Shade, where are you when I need you?  

Semi-dried-out grass crunched under the soles of Romeo's worn-out Jordans, longer grass blades tickling his ankles. He squinted his eyes at the ginormous ball of sun drifting in the sky, its wings of sunshine clawing over the deep maroon mountains painting up the horizon.

With a hand on his forehead to shade the sun away, blotches of vivid sight began to fade into Romeo's vision. A big grin crept up his face when there, underneath the massive Willow, sat Juelz. Lost in his own world with headphones on, his eyes were glued to his sketchbook, a single pen aggressively scratching over the paper. 

Ignoring how his hand almost lit on fire when— shit, that's hot, I'm gonna die— he gripped onto the metal bars, Romeo hopped over the rusty fence separating the somewhat maintained gravel pathway from the unhinged grasslands reaching up against those monstrously massive red-dusted mountains.

Romeo let himself fall down against the tree, letting out a satisfied sigh as the shadow lapped over him. Fishing his hand into one of the pockets of his cargo pants, he pulled out two grape juice boxes. Without a word, he tossed one of them at Juelz, grinning when it caused him to drop his pen. Grumbling, Juelz picked the pen back up with his other hand and continued like nothing'd happened. Weird. I wish I could do that. "It's so hot today, damn. Watcha drawing?"

Juelz hummed, stabbing the straw into his juice box. "It's hot every day. It's summer. 'M just sketching some sharks." 

"Can I see?" Romeo asked, peeking over Juelz's shoulder. 

"No. And please get off of me, I'm already hot enough, your body heat isn't gonna help." Juelz let out a small groan when Romeo only pushed his face further, nuzzling his head into Juelz's collarbone. "I hate you."

Romeo laughed, still not moving. "We both know that's not true!"

Finally giving in to Juelz's constant whining and shoving, Romeo flopped around onto his back, folding his arms underneath his head. Damn, should've worn different shoes, he thought, watching the sun burn into his feet as they reached right outside of the shadowing canopy above them. He felt the corners of his mouth pull up when Juelz shifted his position so that his shoulder rested against Romeo's, propping one leg up to stop himself from sliding down further. 

"Why don't we ever have sleepovers anymore?"

Juelz's head perked up at that. "The fuck kind of question is that?"

Romeo shrugged. Juelz got irritated easily, Romeo knew that. Still, he couldn't control the things his brain came up with. He could, however, choose not to speak them out loud. That was a personal choice.

Furrowing his brows in thought, Juelz pursed his lips. "Because we're not dating-?"

"Why not?" Romeo asked with a fake pout, letting out a soft laugh when Juelz's face turned slightly red. He reached over to ruffle his hair, laughing harder when Juelz swatted his hand away.

A hot breeze hung in the air, playing with the little leaves hanging from the Willow. Occasionally, strokes of sunlight would break through and catch the little red dust particles as they dangled around in the air. If Romeo looked further down the hilly fields, his vision turned wrinkly and disoriented, a thick layer of pure heat crinkling the world. Zooming back into focus, Romeo watched an exhausted toad hopelessly hopping around the patches of grass, fighting for its life with all the energy it had left. Cute. I love frogs. Wait, no. Is it a frog? It's probably a toad. But what if it's not? That skin does look more like—

"Romeo. You're zoned out," Juelz paused for a moment, gazing off into the distance before adding, "and I want ice cream."

Snapping back to reality, Romeo glanced at Juelz, and then at the grass. The toad was gone. "Lo siento, osito. There was a toad!" Or frog, whatever.

"Oh. Could've drawn them. Anyway, it's hot, and I'm uncomfortable. I can feel my clothes," Juelz groaned, shuddering as he yanked at the collar of his black t-shirt. 

"D'ya wanna go to Karl's? We can get popsicles!"

Leaning back, Juelz blew a strand of black hair out of his face, unsuccessfully so. He shook his head in disapproval. "Don't feel like socializing."

Romeo hummed at that, reaching over to tuck the strand of hair behind Juelz's ear, gaining him a grateful smile. I love it when you smile. It's so cute. "Okay, how about I do all the talking while you grab the popsicles? My treat." Standing up, Romeo held his hand out to Juelz.

Chewing on his lip with a grin, Juelz reluctantly took Romeo's hand, allowing him to pull Juelz up. "Extroverts scare me." He fell quiet for a moment, zoning out into the distance as Romeo pulled him up. Right when their faces met each other at eye height, Juelz added, "Thank you, though," with a smile.  


Aaahhhhhhshshdgdhdsgs— thoughts? I'm aiming towards 10 chapters, but nothing's sure yet. This is also my first time writing in 3rd person, so please correct me if there's any mistakes :(

This was just the prologue, usual chapters will be longer!! If you got any questions please lmk I'd love to answer them😙✌️

Ily all<3 byeeeee!!

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