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Hey friends! 😅 No need for the fancy "author" title here. Just call me GV, like we're all buds on this writing adventure together! 🚀 Let's keep it casual and fun!


It's a Friday, and the last rays of the setting sun cast long shadows across the bleachers as Naveen fidgeted with the strap of his backpack. Unlike his social butterfly of a sister, Meera, Naveen preferred the quiet company of a few close friends. Today, that meant just Aaron, his companion since kindergarten. "Dude, did you see Jordan trying to hit on Julia again?" Aaron scoffed, his voice laced with a mix of amusement and annoyance. "That guy's relentless. How does he manage to fool so many girls?"

Ever the introvert, Naveen rolled his eyes and mumbled, "Leave it, macha (buddy)." Social commentary wasn't his thing. He was more comfortable lost in a book or tinkering with his latest tech project.

Aaron, oblivious to Naveen's introverted nature, pressed on. "Did you hear the rumor about Jordan? Supposedly, he does underground boxing!"

Naveen's head snapped up, a flicker of surprise crossing his features. "Underground boxing? He's, like, seventeen. How can he even get into something like that?"Aaron chuckled. "That's the rumor, Naveen. Age doesn't matter in those circles. They fight in different age groups, and the money can be insane."

Naveen shook his head, a frown creasing his brow. The image of Jordan, the school's resident Casanova, trading witty remarks for brutal punches seemed surreal. "Doesn't sound like a good path," he muttered, his voice barely a whisper. 

Aaron grinned. "Yeah, well, some people crave excitement in weird places," he said, slinging an arm around Naveen's shoulder. "Come on, let's get out of here before the hot dogs in Sally's store will become empty".

Naveen, relieved to escape the conversation and the fading light, nodded in agreement as they walked towards the exit.


A gentle rhythm of raindrops pattered on the bookstore window, creating a soft, calming melody. Meera, lost in the world of meticulously arranging biographies on a bookshelf, hummed along unconsciously. Her fingers brushed against the worn leather spines, each title a portal to a different world.

Suddenly, a warm voice broke her reverie. "Meera, you seem to be in a particularly good mood today!"

Meera turned, a blush creeping up her cheeks as she met the kind gaze of Adam Stone, the owner of the bookstore. The air inside the shop carried the comforting scent of old paper and leather, a familiar fragrance that always soothed Meera.

"Oh, Mr. Stone," Meera stammered, "it's nothing. Just enjoying these lovely biographies."Lucian,  piped up from behind a towering stack of fantasy novels. "Oh no, Mr. Stone, don't listen to her! Meera's been practically glowing all day. Look, isn't she beautiful when she smiles like that?" Meera's cheeks flushed a light pink. and she Teased Lucian about his crush on Chloe, a local waitress with a dazzling smile, who was a favorite pastime amongst the bookstore staff. "Here you are, daydreaming about her again, while she probably doesn't even know your name!"

Lucian stammered, his face turning the same shade as his favorite fantasy novel cover. "W-well, that's not entirely true! We, uh, we talked a little the other day."

"A little?" Adam chuckled, his eyes twinkling. "Did you manage to get past the weather, Lucian?"

Lucian mumbled something incoherent, burying his face deeper into the towering stack of books. Meera couldn't help but giggle. Looking outside at the rain that had picked up its pace, Mr. Stone sighed. "Looks like we're in for a wet one, Meera. Why don't you head home early? No need to risk getting soaked on a slow day like today. Besides, I was planning on closing the shop for the weekend anyway. Poppy, has a school play and I wouldn't miss it for the world."

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