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  He turned around on his chair, looking at his cork board. "I'll find you soon Felix." He whispered to himself, and then got up, still having Felix's beanie in his hand. It was 12:00 p.m. now, and he thought of going home to take a shower and do other things. 

  Hyunjin grabbed his coat, putting the bag with the beanie inside of it and wrapping it up since he didn't want anyone seeing he had been taking evidence home. That was illegal, but he didn't care right now. He needed to take it. Hyunjin walked out of his office, passing Chan on the way. "Going home?" 

  Chan wondered since Hyunjin should still be on shift. "Ah, just lunch break." Chan nodded, and didn't mind since he liked when Hyunjin took breaks. It was good for him, and made Chan feel better about him. 

  Hyunjin walked out of the building, walking towards his car, and getting into it. He set his coat in the passenger seat, turning on the car. Hyunjin put the car in reverse, backing out of his parking space. He switched the car back into drive, and went onto the highway, speeding up. Five minutes later he got off the highway, turning into a neighborhood.

   He didn't have anywhere else to live at the time and hadn't bothered to get a new house. Him and Felix were planning to move closer together soon, but then Felix had gone missing, and... that was out of the picture.

   ... Hyunjin pulled into his driveway, parking the car, and sat for a second. His hair floated beautifully in front of his eyes. He swiped it away, tucking it behind his ears. He took a deep breath, and grabbed his coat, getting out of the car. 

  His driveway was a bit damp because of the heavy rain from the day before. He stepped over a small puddle, going to his door. Hyunjin pulled his keys out of his coat he had been holding and unlocked the door. He opened it, feeling the warmth hit his face as he stepped in. He took off his shoes, and closed the door, keeping the cold outside. 

  He set the coat on the table, and brushed his fingers through his hair. Hyunjin sighed, looking at his watch and realizing ten minutes had passed, so it was about 12:20 p.m. He went to his room, grabbing a towel and going to his bathroom. 

  He closed the door, and set the towel down, looking himself in the mirror. He looked tired and out of it. He sighed at himself, realizing how much Felix effected him. Tears threatened to fall out of his eyes, but he shook his head, not letting himself cry.

   Hyunjin turned on the shower, letting the warm water flow out of the shower head. He took his clothes off, setting them on the counter nicely. He got in, hissing at the warm water that had been too hot for him. He turned it down a bit, and hummed at the nice feeling of water running down his back.


The shower was very soothing and almost put him to sleep, it made him want to lay down and just sleep right there and then. Hyunjin perked up, standing straight. He couldn't sleep. He was actually supposed be at the office right now and sleeping wouldn't help. 

  He washed his hair and body, and got out instantly. Hyunjin put his clothes on, missing the warmth the shower provided previously. He brushed his hair, hoping Chan wouldn't be mad at him for taking so long. He opened the door, coming out of the bathroom and walking towards the table he had set his jacket on. He grabbed the coat, taking Felix's beanie out of it. 

  He went to his room and set the beanie under a blanket on his bed, just for safety measures. Hyunjin came out of the room, grabbing his coat and his keys as he walked out of his house. He forgot how cold it was, and shivered at the change of temperature.

   He turned around and locked the door. He pulled out of his driveway, heading towards his office. Once he made it he went straight to his office he saw a piece of paper on his desk.

 Hyunjin looked at the piece of paper, seeing it was blank. He looked at the back of it and saw small text on the corner of it. He pulled the paper closer to his face so he could see it.

   There was an address, and along with it said, 'Come here if you want your Lixie back.' Hyunjin couldn't believe this. Was his mind playing tricks on him? He set the paper down, acknowledging what he just read. How did that person get that piece of paper there? 

  Who even put it here? He locked his office before he left, so how? His mind started running, and he fell over, falling onto the ground.  "Ah-" He said, rubbing his head that had just hit the ground. He sat up against the wall, and thought more. What is this? What is even happening? 

  Is this even real? Maybe he was just dreaming. This can't be real. His mind was spinning, and he couldn't form any words. Come on. He was trying to get it together. He had to. He has to go find Felix.

YIPPIE!! Another update!! Love u guys! Stay safe and take care of yourselves!<3

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2024 ⏰

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