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My first day of a new school was probably the last thing I wanted after being forced to leave my hometown, Daegu

I honestly didn't hate Seoul it's just leaving behind everyone at my old school just hurts a lot

' Minju you better be ready for school! ' your father shouted from downstairs

What's the point of getting ready for school if he's more bothered about it than me? He's the reason we're in Seoul right now

' Jeong Minju! Hurry up before I leave you behind ' this time your mother threatened

You grabbed your bag and put your headphones on while putting your shoes on

Your dad took off your headphones and shouted at you

' If these headphones are the reason you've been ignoring us, then I'll break them ' he threatened

' You wouldn't dare to because my friend bought it for me and now you're just taking advantage that we have more money now ' you opened the door to leave

' Let us drive you at least ' your mum suggested

' I'll take the bus ' you shouted back at them

' I'll take the bus with her ' your younger sister followed on

' Minhee, don't you dare leave—' before your father finished she slammed the door

' Maybe we should've gave them more time to leave their friends ' your mum suggested

' What nonsense are you thinking, anyone would die to live this life ' your dad muttered


' Minju, I know it's hard for leaving everyone so easily but you can meet new people at your new school ' Minhee said catching up to me

' Like you'd understand, all your friends moved to Seoul ' you said stressed out

' Your the favourite child too ' you pushed her to the side


' Welcome to Yongsan High. We have a new student coming from Daegu, would anyone like to introduce her?' the teacher suggested

Beomgyu, Yeonjun and Soobin were whispering in the back

' C'mon Gyu, since when were you so shit at games ' Yeonjun said nearly laughing

' Damn did you get any sleep tonight?' Soobin chuckled at Beomgyu

Beomgyu raised his hand to slap the boys from carrying on teasing them but the teacher spoken out loud

' Okay Beomgyu! I didn't know you were interested in something like this ' she exclaimed out loud

' Wait what? I don't wanna do anything?' he said confused

' So you don't want an extra grade up in your classes? I thought you wanted to stay on the basketball team though?' Miss said

He realised a higher grade up would keep him on the team and said ' Oh yeah, of course I would help a new kid out' he said hesitatingly

' Great, here she is!' she welcomed you inside

' Hey , I'm Jeong Minju from Daegu and the last place I want to be is here ' you said informally

' Uhm, well you sit in the back row next to Choi Soobin ' the teacher pointed at the back

You carelessly walked to your seat and put your headphones on

' Well you guys have a maths test right now so get ready ' the teacher had reminded everyone

' Damn imagine a test on the first day back, she's so gonna fail ' Yeonjun said

' Yeonjun, have you considered that you're just dumb?' Beomgyu said

' Luckily your in partners of four, the team with the highest score gets an extra day off the school week!' the teacher announced

' Miss! Can we have a five!' Yeonjun shouted across the class

' No, now choose a pair!' she exclaimed back at him

A boy turned his seat around and moved his chair next to you, called Junghwa

' What do you want? ' you said to the boy

' I'm here to partner with you?' he said trying to get you to focus

' I'd rather do a detention ' you said which made everyone laugh at him

' So you're playing hard to get?' he said chuckling

' I already have a team' you said nervously

' Who?' he said

You randomly pointed at a group of three boys and they looked at you cluelessly

' Them '

He scoffed at you and said

' Good luck failing '

You ignored him and moved your seat to the three boys

' Why are you here?' Soobin asked

' Long story, consider yourself lucky for having me on your team ' you said

' Lucky? Then maybe you should do all the work ' Yeonjun considered jokingly

' They don't mean it, just ignore them—' just as Beomgyu was about to finish his sentence you interrupted

' Sure. You guys would probably drop the score anyway ' you said confidentally

The teacher gave us numbers for our team name and we were team 3

20 minutes after the test the teacher announced the winners

' And the winners are... Team 3! With Minju, Soobin, Beomgyu and Yeonjun '

Everyone turned around in shock because the boys had mainly been 3 to bottom at the very highest

They cheered loud enough for the classroom next door to look at them in shock across the window

' It was all my idea!' Yeonjun said

' It was all her to be fair ' Soobin looked at you

They started cheering you on until you pushed them away

' It's not that deep ' you said wiping dust off your clothes

' I thought you didn't wanna be at school? You get an extra day off ?' Beomgyu said confused

' Not in school, but in Seoul. I didn't even get to properly say goodbye to my friends ' you scoffed at them

You turned and walked to your seat

' I feel bad for her ' Yeonjun said

' Isn't she from Daegu? You guys should go together ' Soobin suddenly said

' I literally just met her ' Beomgyu said focusing back on his phone

' I literally just met her ' Beomgyu said focusing back on his phone

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lonely boy | CHOI BEOMGYU ✓Where stories live. Discover now