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First you texted him that you were still inside so he had to wait a little longer

Thankfully he replied saying his teacher made the class stay behind a couple minutes so it was just fine

You bumped into a girl as you were rushing to Beomgyu

' Didn't you bump into me last time?! Go get your eyes fixed!' she screamed at you

' Who are you?' you questioned

She scoffed as she looked to the side, then back to you

' I'm Kang Yeri, and what are you?'

You ignored her as you walked to Beomgyu but then she dragged your collar

' Back off!' she loudly whispered

' Yeri! Leave her alone. ' Beomgyu threatened

' You're going to protect her, over me?'

' Yes? Is that a problem or—'

' This is so unfair! I'll make sure she pays for this ' she stormed off in anger

' Ignore her— are you okay?!' blood was rushing down your lip

' Oh my god, her dumb nail scratched my lip ' you held pressure onto the wound

' Are you sure you'll be fine? We can go to the nurses office—'

' It's just a small scratch, also don't you have a surprise to show me?' you said ignoring the pain on your bottom lip

' Well it was actually tickets for an amusement park. But it's on your birthday, which is in about 1-2 weeks?'

' I never told you my birthday though?' you chuckled

' It took a lot of work to figure that out! I also bought you strawberry chocolates since you were watching it the other day'

' Well at least someone pays attention ' you side hugged him as a way of thanking him, without making the situation awkward

' Let's go home?' you suggested

' Sure. But we are going in Yeonjun's car, I'm hanging out with him after, wanna come?' he said leading me to the car park

' Unfortunately no, I do have plans but another time?' you felt guilty by rejecting his offer

' Don't worry, we hang out every week ' he patted your shoulder and waved back to Yeonjun

Although he assured you it was okay, something just didn't feel right

' So where should we go after we change? I was thinking the arcade—'

' Yes!' you interrupted

' You're not even coming though ' Beomgyu tilted his head to the side

' I know, but I was considering to go if I finished my homework. Unfortunately I do have a lot ' you lied, you finished all your homework already

' Well, hopefully you—'

' Shut up Soobin!' Yeonjun and Beomgyu said in unison

' Let me finish ' he flicked both their foreheads

' If it's music homework, just text me. I got all the answers on the test '

' Thanks ' you murmured as the car was full of awkwardness

' The sooner we get home the quicker you can hurry right?' Yeonjun said to avoid any further silence

He parked outside of Beomgyu's house so your family wouldn't be suspicious

Just as you were unlocking the door it wasn't opening, there was a key on the opposite side

You rung the doorbell and your aunt Park stood infront of you

' Auntie!' you screamed in excitement as she hugged you

' You're already here? I thought you wouldn't be here until next Sunday '

' Well Yeji and Sunghoon have been nagging me nonstop! Also how could I not be excited about my favourite niece ' she kissed your forehead

' Favourite niece? Is that how I get treated now?' Minhee scoffed

' Oh come on, you always make your parents do the work yet you're the favourite. She deserves to be someone's favourite ' she gave her sass

Yeji ran to you for a hug as Sunghoon side hugged you

' How is senior year so far?'

' Horrible, but at least you're struggling with me '

' Yeji is 12 right? You've grown up so fast!' your mum ran to her excitedly

' I've never seen you look so happy before ' Sunghoon said, walking upstairs to your room

You followed on and responded ' They basically neglected me, they only care when I'm not here '

' What about a boyfriend? Are you even allowed to date?' he questioned

' Well.. not exactly ' you scratched the back of your head

' So Minhee is allowed, even though she's younger?! '

' It's because I should focus on my studies, although your mum might be able to persuade them to tell me eventually, even though I have nobody in mind '

' Not even Jake?' he teased

' What do you mean—'

' You're hanging out with him already? I'm dropping you guys off y'know '

' He's just nice! Like I said, nobody in my mind ' you crossed your arms

Just as you sat on your desk you saw Beomgyu in a sleeveless top with jeans as he waved at you with a smirk

' Who's that?' Sunghoon said as he stood up with a stern look on his face

' Just a boy I keep running into, he's starting to stress me out —'

' Oh is it Beomgyu? He definitely likes you ' he said as he sat further away from the window

' What?! What makes you think that?'

' He's known as the lonely boy between his friends, Soobin said he was getting along with a girl though ' he teased you

' Of course you know Soobin, you both have attitude ' you pushed him away

Beomgyu texted you suddenly


open the window darling 😉

choi beomgyu, my cousin
aka park sunghoon is here
do NOT come through the window

jeez, it's just a bit hot
outside, what were you

You placed your phone back down and then someone knocked on the door

' I told you I wouldn't come through the window '

' I told you I wouldn't come through the window '

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lonely boy | CHOI BEOMGYU ✓Where stories live. Discover now