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I was right now in my dorm room just
relaxing watching some vampire  diaries, "fuck" I say and throw my remote at somewhere, anywhere. I really wanted kai to live, but of course, Damon decided to take a trick out of Elijiahs book and whent all "Off with his head"

but then I get a call from Brittany. Of course, she's calling. She's been trying to get me to leave my dorm room the first day we meant. Mostly, I always say "no I'm busy," but today, for some reason, not even god knows I said yes.

So here I am in the corner of brody's frat party. I've always hated these kinds of party's, god why did I listen to her? I HATE parties. I would rather be at home with my tea reading a book.

So as I leave the party, I realize I have no idea where I am! "Damn it I should have paid attention" So, as I'm freaking out wondering what to do,where the fuck I am! I go walk to the parking lot until I look to my left and there's a car driving super fast, and then the last thing I hear is the noise of a car horn, but then, it becomes black.

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