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The house had been in absolute uproar when they had found out who had really birthed Bella's baby

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The house had been in absolute uproar when they had found out who had really birthed Bella's baby. Alice, Carlisle and Esme had tried their best to comfort Edward after the paternity of the baby had finally come out and he had kicked her out of the house. He had filled for an annulment and left her on the doorsteps of her father's house. Charlie had been confused when he had seen an angry Edward and a crying Bella on his doorstep with all her stuff but when he had found out the truth, he had never been more disappointed. His daughter had cheated on her husband and gotten pregnant, she truly was her mother's child.

The couple were back in the Cullen's house talking to Carlisle about what vitamins she needed to take for the baby. They could hear Edward scoffing in the living room as they got the information. Emmett had half a mind to go out there and kill him, it wasn't his fault that his wife cheated on him.

"Oh grow up." Emmett spat as they walked out of Carlisle's office.

Edward growled at him as he stood up, "It's not fair. Why do you get to be happy? Why do you have a mate? Why can't I have my happy ending? I love Bella. I just wanted to be happy." He couldn't seem to understand why his life had taken such a drastic turn. All he wanted was to be happy, he deserved to be happy.

Emmett rolled his eyes as he helped his wife sit down on the couch next to Rosalie, "Bella wasn't your mate, she was just your blood singer. You want to be happy, you find the person that's made for you. Taeyeon is my mate, we were made for each other. You are nothing more than a coward that strung us all along for someone that wasn't even your mate. Carlisle let you run the Coven because you're his oldest child. You're nothing more than a selfish brat that thinks he's better than everyone. You want to be happy? Find your fucking mate." He was done with Edward and all his drama. If he wanted to really be happy, why couldn't he wait for his mate? He did deserve to be happy, everyone did but after everything he had put everyone through for his blood singer, he also deserved to suffer. He deserved to suffer for everything he made everyone go through.

"I just want to be happy." Edward screamed.

"You do, everyone does. The problem is that you didn't care how it happened. You didn't care that other people could get hurt. You didn't care that other people were being affected by your actions. You wanted what you wanted and was perfectly fine using your family to get it. Jasper had to sacrifice his comfort because you brought your blood singer here. Rosalie had to constantly bite her tongue and worry about her family but you didn't care. You told Emmett to leave his mate because you were jealous. You want to be happy? You need to work for it." Taeyeon spoke. She was sick and tired of him acting like a child.

"That's not true."

"I guess delusion is the way you're going."

"Wait, what?!"

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"Wait, what?!"

Ever since the whole fiasco of Bella's baby and who the father was, the Pack had been in complete shambles and things had quickly changed. In the three days since she had last seen the Pack, Jared had become Alpha. Leah was his Beta and Embry became Third in Command. Jared, Leah, Quil, Seth and Embry had gone to the Elders with their grievances on how Sam, Jacob and Paul had been acting and how it had been effecting the dynamic of the Pack as a whole. The Elders had agreed that something needed to change and that change certainly came quickly. The three had definitely not been happy but it had to be done for the majority of the Pack, it wasn't good for the Pack to be divided, especially since they had gained two new Pack members. Seth was glad that he finally had friends his age, Brady and Collin and that he had others to talk to.

Leah smirked, "Oh yeah. The Elders agreed that something needed to change. They had seen how Sam was throwing his weight around and struggling to keep everyone in line, they knew he couldn't stay Alpha. Jacob is a little boy that thinks things should always go his way and was willing to throw the Pack under the bus for a human that had brought it all upon herself. Paul refused to deal with his anger, screaming and yelling at everyone to get them to do what he wants. They knew things needed to change for the better of the Pack."

Taeyeon scoffed in disbelief, "Wow. I really thought the Elders would have taken Sam and Jacob's side but I'm glad they're doing what needs to be done for the sake of everyone else. I'm just glad that people are finally facing the consequences to their actions."

"You have no idea. The rest of us refuse to hang out with them unless it's a mandatory Pack meeting. I'm just happy that I don't have to feel uncomfortable around them anymore. Besides, we aren't the only ones that see them for who they are?" Leah smirked.

"What do you mean?"

"Emily left Sam, Rachel left Paul and Bella is being kept away from Jacob. None of them are happy." Leah grinned. She had never been happier knowing that karma was finally hitting them where it hurt. Emily had pretty much been forced to be with Sam because of the imprint and he wouldn't leave her alone, even after he had hurt her. Rachel deserved a man that she didn't have to fix and knew how to control himself. Jacob and Bella were just toxic for each other and were rightfully being kept away from each other.

"You're joking."

"I wish I was. That's a lie, karma is a bitch and they're finally getting what they deserve."

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