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Gambol Shroud felt foreign in Weiss’ hand– alien, strange. As Ruby said; weapons were an extension of oneself, so using someone else’s was supposed to feel a bit weird. She pushed through it, wielding Blake’s weapon alongside Myrtenaster. She wasn’t used to dual wielding, Weiss had tried when she was younger, inspired by Winter’s weapons. She’d given it up in place of Myrtenaster, which felt like an extension of Weiss’ very soul. But it didn’t help soothe the pit that had grown in her stomach. Still, as the last living member of Team RWBY, Weiss trudged onwards, deflecting Cinder’s claws with Gambol Shroud’s blade.

Weiss’ eyes burned with tears that she refused to let fall, not in front of Cinder, and certainly not while Penny lay dying on the floor just a few feet away. Cinder formed two flaming swords made out of strong glass and swung. Weiss took a quick backstep, and used Myrtenaster to parry the blade that came too close while the other passed by,  air whistling off the blade.

She took a step forward, swinging Gambol Shroud in an attempt to part Cinder’s neck, but the corrupt Maiden met Blake’s weapon with her own and continued her offense.

The white haired girl was slowing down. Energy sapped from the constant fighting and regenerating her depleting Aura. Cinder swung again and again with a sadistic grin plastered on her scarred face.

Weiss struggled to parry each strike. Her grip on Gambol Shroud loosening as fatigue sat in.

“No!” Weiss’ eyes widened in horror as she felt Blake’s weapon fall from her hand and over the bridge they stood on. She attempted to summon a glyph, to save the only piece of Blake left, but her overtaxed aura failed her.  As she used Myrtenaster to block both of Cinder’s swords at once, below her, Gambol Shroud fell haplessly into the whipping void, never to be seen again.

A strike slipped past Weiss’ defense and smashed into the heiress's head with the pommel. She crashed into the ground, vision blurring and head ringing. Nauseous.

Weiss stumbled onto her feet, gripping Myrtenaster tighter.  She spotted Cinder’s blurred form take a few casual steps towards her, savoring her imminent victory.

A pained scream came from Jaune’s direction. Jaune had been taking care of a downed Penny after Cinder had wounded her. Weiss turned her head, her braided hair whipping around, and saw the blond boy standing over the orange haired girl. Blood dripped from Crocea Mors.

Penny’s blood.

Penny's body lay motionless beside Jaune who had tears falling into the pooling blood beneath him. Weiss felt her own tears slide along her face. Another friend, gone. Because of Cinder.

Because of Jaune.

Cinder screamed and launched herself toward Jaune, evidently keen on what exactly? Revenge for her kill being stolen? Because Jaune prevented her from stealing the Winter Maiden’s power? It made sense, and Weiss wished she could have taken advantage of the moment, but she was too damn exhausted.

The metal of Jaune's shield absorbed Cinder's attack, before throwing her off. Cinder flipped in the air landing into a crouch as she summoned another of her glass swords.

She charged– a deep snarl on her face that reminded Weiss of a hungry Beowolf.

Despite using Myrtensaster to stand, her legs gave out underneath her. Her vision dimmed.

“Where did it go?!” Cinder screamed. Weiss thought there was a hint of fear in there. Still, the noise was enough for her sight to return slightly. Her eyes opened to the sight of the Maiden jerking around. Their eyes met.

Cinder looked away and Weiss couldn't help but feel insulted at the ease of which Cinder rejected her. A beam of blue energy slammed itself into the dark haired woman, crushing her back onto the bridge.

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