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The interior of the harbor building looked normal, and shabby by Weiss’ standards at least. That was to be expected, she lived in a literal palace, and had visited Casterly Rock a few times when she was younger, so it’d take a much more elaborate building in order to impress the young Lannister. Highgarden sounded like a wonderful place to go and visit during the spring, with its lush surroundings, or the Hightower of Oldtown with its eternal flame. Weiss would have to find a way to convince her parents to let her travel the world once she was older. It’d be hard, but not impossible.

Weiss allowed her eyes to wander around the relatively cramped entrance, Sery Larys took up a lot of room with his boiled leather and Lannister plate armor. The entrance led into a hallway of what seemed like a decently sized room, and broke off into other pathways. She could hear the sound of people chattering, their conversations disguised by a light echo.

“You are to stand by my side, and remain silent unless spoken to.” Father spoke up, twisting his head to look her in the eyes. It was another test, Weiss may have been a Lannister, but this was still a society that was primarily run by men.

“Yes Father.” Weiss bowed her head slightly. She followed Father down the main hallway, with Ser Larys silently following closely behind them, keeping her hands in front of her and ensuring that she stood straight. They entered the room Weiss had spotted earlier, judging from the door and location, likely an office of some sort.

“Lord Dramen!” A fat man sitting behind a desk at the far end of the chambers exclaimed. He struggled to sit up, with his fingers built like the sausages that Weiss had eaten to break her fast this morning. His beard was divided into three prongs and were dyed green and blue. It took the help of his young attendant to lift him onto his feet. The Tyroshi quickly approached Father. “It’s always such an honor to conduct business with you, Lord Lannister.” He had an accent, one that said the common tongue was not his native language. His accent was thick, and each word was spoken slowly to ensure he was pronunciating the words correctly.

Father kept his face impassive, a true politician. “You build good ships, Lysonos, I’d be a fool to not keep you close.” He spoke bluntly, the tone at odds with his impassive face. The Tyroshi was well perfumed, smelling likes the honey cakes that always made Weiss’ mouth water.

Weiss had only heard whispers of Lysonos Mopyl, the Tyroshi harbormaster that ran the docks under the direction of Father and Lord Tywin. The kitchen maids and servants that acted as bedwarmers for some of her Father’s knights needed to guard their tongues closer, but in the end they served their purpose in providing Weiss information. Even if she did have to sift through it a tad for usefulness.

“Of course, Lord Dramen.” Lysonos offered a smile, one that was framed like a photograph by his colorful beard and bushy mustache. His bright eyes gave Weiss a glance before darting to Ser Larys who stood a few feet behind them. “And who is this beautiful young lady you have here?”

There was her queue. Weiss gave him a polite curtsy, with a calculated smile, a childish yet ladylike one. It was seriously worrying how much she remembered from her old life and how useful it was. She was using the exact same mannerisms and everything.

“My daughter, Weiss.” Father formed a proud smirk. “I’m teaching her how Lannisters run our business.”

“A wise choice my Lord.” Lysonos bobbed his head up and down, causing his three chins to wobble. A lesser girl would’ve erupted into a series of laughing fits, but Weiss was no lesser girl. She would laugh in her head, like a proper lady would do. “Always a good idea to have them learn young. May I presume that you are here to check on the progress of The Lion’s Claws?”

Despite his jovial attitude, Lysonos' eyes reminded Weiss of a shark. The Lannisters were the richest family in all of Westeros, he must’ve been charging an outrageous price for the construction of Lord Tywin’s flagship. And that was assuming he wasn’t using any one of a dozen schemes to further line his pockets by cutting corners or scamming the contractors.

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