Chapter 25 Charsoc and Aelia

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    Steel clanks against steel, sparks of fire ricochet from the friction of Lucifer and Michael's powerful swords as the battle rages on. Massive raven- black feathers fall against dove- white to land upon the cracked surfaces of hell. Brothers fated to be enemies by the word of their father. Emerald- green eyes staring into Smokey Grey ones that shine with conviction and determination for glory and justice. Neither willing to back down even an inch, both adamant in reaching their desired goals. Lucifer intent on reaching God and showing the full measure of his anger and despair. Anger that has been simmering for eons upon eons since he was cast from both his father's Kingdom, presence and the light he coveted. Michaels committed to protecting God and the purity of light and goodness. Avenge Christ for having to die due to Lucifer tainting the hearts and souls of mankind. To stop his fallen brother's madness once and for all. Every primal instinct within Micheal comes alive, raging out of control like the mighty flames of hell that now surrounds him.

Everything is a blur now as Aelia's eyes frantically try to keep up with the madness that is unraveling around her. She is unable to focus due to the exceeding speed of her beloved and his brother as they dance the dangerous dance of death. They continue fighting a war that could never truly seize due to the easy manipulation or corruption of her kind. The smell of brimstone and decay are so potent that it would suffocate her if she were still a living- breathing being. Aelia's heart breaks when her eyes finally meet and focus on something other than Lucifer.

Gabriel is still kneeling like his father commanded when he dared to question his decision. It is as if he is frozen in time. A look of pure agony is evident in those beautiful sea- blue eyes. Aelia's eyes lock with his, bringing his head higher- as if he senses her knowledge of his overwhelming anguish. Something in her soul wants desperately to go to him and offer any comfort that she can, even if it's in small measurement. The problem is to reach him she will have to get past Lucifer and Michael fighting like ravenous wolves. Then somehow get past God and his infectious light. She is terrified of her fate and punishment for refusing to repent and cleanse her soul- thus joining him in eternal peace and light. Like a scared lamb she does nothing but continue to watch the horror before her.

Gabriel can hardly bare having to witness his brothers in another battle. He gazes into Aelia's soul's grey eyes and senses that like him she cannot stand the chaos unfolding at this moment. He knows she's defenseless to do anything, especially being the soul in question. He knows she is in many ways the cause of this battle but in many ways, she still might be the key to a solution. He has three choices- each one may very well cost him his wings but choose he must or risk losing one or both of his brothers for eternity. He could take Aelia's soul and place it in the body of purity for safekeeping. He could take her and flee to heaven and let his father hand down her sentence. If he does this, it will cause a great war against heaven and hell. Or he could stand between Lucifer and Michael, tell God that that his battle was his battle to fight, and they would no longer be party to it or the race of man. He closed his eyes trying to decide which would be best, blocking out the fierce booming of thunder that suddenly filled the room.

Bolts of purple- red vine lightning strikes the four corners of the wall, cracking the stone in which spiders and snakes fall like rotten fruit from a tree. The earthquakes and trembles as the battle rages on. Neither Michael nor Lucifer can outmatch the other and both grow tired and sloppy in their strikes. Their eyes are still staying steadily focused on one another, both catching a small glimpse of regret and uncertainty in the other's eyes.

"Lucifer bow down to God- the true king. Stand aside while he passes judgment, you know in the end it will be done. Why fight? Why make me destroy you?" Michael questions in a voice of pure exhaustion. He strikes again with his sword; the tip contacts Lucifer's left cheekbone- leaving a long gash across his flawless flesh.

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