My thought process behind god, By Dominic Johnson.

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         As you can see, by the title of this article is to convince you god is not real. Now, before we start, I would like to note, I do not hate the being god, if he even existed. I respect every religion and their beliefs. I just don't feel religious at all though.

Let's get started.

         Alright, so most of us know god, correct? Well, I am here to prove you wrong, or convince you. I think god is fake, due to scientists, deep thoughts (ex. Big bang), and finally, no physical proof of existence. Here we go.

Well, lets say this. Do you have a favorite celebrity? Think now. In your head, think of your favorite celebrity, and hold that thought. When you are ready, and you have that celebrity thought of, you can now scroll down.

           Alright. Now that you have that celebrity in your head, I will make a quick prediction. Out of all of you, how many of you thought of a scientist? I feel like most people might've thought of some social influencer, but not very many scientists. As you can see, scientists are losing population, fame, and recognition. Not enough people believe in science. Here's why science is important: science helps us learn about species, specimens, side effects of things, and identifying nouns (person, place, or thing). Now, take this into account. Now that I have explained meaningless information, that doesn't benefit the topic at all, it's time to make you understand what this means.

          Continuing on the last paragraph, the reason why I explained all of that is to help you understand how this relates to god not existing. If you think about it, how many scientists are christian/catholic? Well, if you think about it, scientists are constantly proving god to be a non-existent being, since scientists have thought of theories to help people understand what happened, since god isn't real. According to, an article written by an educated big bang researcher, states "An astronomer Georges Lemaître had a big idea. He said that a very long time ago, the universe started as just a single point. He said the universe stretched and expanded to get as big as it is now, and that it could keep on stretching." [1]

       This shows a theory developed by scientists, and quite literally explains the theory. Now, I won't go too in depth of this theory, because I need to save it for later, but this scientist is literally trying to think of a way to prove god wrong. And ever since this theory was made, tons of scientists have hooked on to such theory, and started to improve the theory.

         Now, you may wonder, how does this theory prove anything? How does this theory plug into the world starting from one point? All it's saying is the center stretched out to create the universe. Well, it's not that simple. More on the big bang theory, the big bang was a life-changing event for every single person who has lived on earth. The big bang all started from the blank universe, where planets in our solar system today, had never existed. Back then, the sun was all alone, yet one day, a ton of dust and unexplainable particles started getting pulled by gravity, all going to a center point. At that center point, the dust was slowly forming, to create a particle ball. This later on collected so much dust, that it ended up exploding with a boom and a crash! Then, the planets started to form. Now, this is a tough theory to explain. "Where did all the dust come from?!" "How did all this dust explode into planets?!" Well, it's about to be explained now.

         Rather than pure information, Im going to counter answer god's side.

"God is real."

"No, god is not real."

"Yes, he is."

"Then why can't he prove to me that he's real?"

"He has given me signs of existing."

"Can you show me/give me proof, of these signs?"

"Well, he has spoken to me in many ways. Besides, how would the earth form without god?"

"Well, I believe in the arts of the big bang theory."

"Big bang theory? How does that work? How was the dust there in the first place..??"

"You have a good point, yet there is a variable still missing. How is god real? How did he start? I mean, if you're questioning my side, why not counterstrike it with my side?"

"Well, god has always existed."

"If god has always existed, then what stops the dust from the particles always existing? I mean, you're saying god has always been a thing, so why not use your own logic against you?"

"... N/A..."

         Well, to be fair, it did quite end off on a stale mate, but in the end, that one key variable there that I wanted you to notice was the counterstrike part. These particles could've just always existed, so that proves that the big bang theory could be somewhat accurate.

        Now I feel like that's enough of the big bang theory. If you want to learn more about it, I'd recommend looking up an article about it.

       My last, and final reason would be physical proof that god actually exists. Now, some claim to have spoken to god, interact with god, etc. But, in reality, how do you know if they're telling the truth? Some people are very desperately trying to convince people to believe in god, through lying. If you have had physical proof that god is real, then why not show this physical proof? Why not present the evidence? It's because it's fake. Now let me explain the perspectives.

Perspective A) God is real, I have spoken to him personally! (Actual belief)

Perspective B) God is real, just look at this, I can prove to you he's real! (The liar, desperately trying to convince)

Perspective C) I swear! I have personally interacted with god! Trust me! He told me the truth to everything! (Likely mental illness, making them believe in things that aren't real)

             Now, that I have shown you most perspectives of believers in god, let me elaborate. Some people have mental illnesses, so they can't quite understand that what's happening isn't being caused by god, but by reality. Some people dearly and truthfully believe god has spoken to them. This is the most innocent perspective, but usually, they misinterpreted an interaction with god, but in reality, what's happening is completely natural. Finally, the last perspective of god are the liars. The liars claim to have spoken to god, but they are lying on purpose, to try and convince the person god has made physical interaction and/or contact with them. Most of these people are trying to lie to convince you, which is the most evil out of these 3.

           Well, this is about all in store for me. God is not real, because scientists, the big bang, and no physical interaction/proof. When talking about god, I feel the need to have to mention that no one can physically prove him real or surreal. It is all a matter of educated guesses and opinions. I challenge you to try and prove god fake.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07 ⏰

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