Chapter 2

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"Witch your mine," Maka said "oh really," the witch said. She shot out fireballs "there it is," "yeah I see it," Maka jumped letting the fireballs miss her she was soon flying in the air.
Her aim was for the witch. "Come down here and fight me," she throw her weapon on the witch's back and threw her on the ground. "Any last words," Maka pointed her weapon towards the witch. Maka slashed her weapon into her back and the soul came out after Soul had ate it he could feel the power. "we finally did it,"
(at lord death and everybody there) "congratulations," Lord Death said Blackstar cried happily and Soul cried too everybody was crying happily So was Maka. (At the forest) "tag your it Soul," Maka started laughing "ahh Soul is it," Blackstar said running while laughing "yeah you better be running," he was running after Blackstar laughing with everyone else. Kid smiled and ran away from Soul laughing with everyone else. "I've never seen kid this happy or laughing this much," Liz said "almost caught ya," Patty said "ahh," Liz said running while laughing. After the game of tag they were in a circle laughing. They all went over to Maka and Soul house
"Had fun," Tsubaki said "heck yeah we did," Blackstar answered all of them sat down Tsubaki putted down the cake on the table "congrats," "Thanks." "The cake tastes good like always," Blackstar said. Soon after they all went home Maka was getting ready for bed. Until Soul came in. "Oh Soul don't scary me li-" Soul pinned Maka to the bed before she could finish.

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