Chapter 1

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Nichelle's perspective

"Gosh, where am I?" I think to myself. I haven't a clue where I was at all. I could hardly open my eyes. All I saw was green and white speckles. I must've passed out. All I know is that I'm somewhere in a forest, the ground felt like leaves.

"Nichelle?!?!" I hear a voice say. "Nichelle! Where are you!" The voice was quite faint, I couldn't recognise it. I start hearing footsteps coming towards me.

"Oh my goodness! There you are! I've been looking for you."
It was Axel. Even though I still couldn't open my eyes, the voice said it all. Never thought SHE'D come looking for me.

"Why are laying on the floor, Nich? I came looking for you as you randomly just ran off. Why?" Axel asks
"I honestly don't remember. Something must've happened" I reply back.
As she gets closer to me, she states "Jesus, Nichelle. You're severely injured. Here, take my hand and we can get you back."
I take her hand, still not being able to see. I rub my eye and abra kedabra! They open.

"So what happened, why were you on the floor." She asks
"Man, I dont know. I can't even think straight, my mind has gone blank." I say
"Why'd you come looking for me? I mean, I appreciate it, but it's a bit random." I ask
"Oh, I guess you kind of ran off in fear, thought I'd go and find you. Took a while to find you to be honest. Plus, aren't we a bit of friends? Why wouldn't I care?"

I guess she was right there. I didn't reply back, I honestly wasn't so stable to do so. I walk with my face down, yes quite rude, but I didn't really feel like socialising, cause all of this just felt.. awkward..? I guess I'm in shock, I suppose?

She starts on by saying "We'd bette-" but I stupidly interrupted her.
"HOLY SHIT. I THINK I REMEMBER EVERYTHING!" I turn and face her, seeing she's been a little startled from my shouting.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to be so loud, I just got a shock of remembrance."
"Well, tell me, what happened?"
"I must've fell for one of Julia's manipulations!"
"Nichelle are you being serious right now." She stares at me like I'm some lunatic.
"I am! I remember talking to her! We didn't end on good terms of course and she must've showed me something, which definitely made me run off."

At that point Axel looks at me like I need the mental hospital.

"Nichelle you're in shock. Just shut up and lets get you back."

Maybe I was just in shock. I don't really know what happened anymore. Maybe I'm gaslighting my own brain now.

We finally get back and we enter a cabin. "Oh my gosh is this yours!" I ask her.
"Well, my parents are renting this place. So I suppose?"

I see her making a cup of tea while commanding me to lay down on the couch. This all feels so coincidental. How does she have a cabin so close to the forest, as well as where we got dropped off, after competing in total drama?

"Axel, I'm so confused, how do you have a cabin so close to the forest?"
She giggles "You passed out. I had to carry you in fact, you're one of a load. But, that forest is 55 minutes away from us. But really, you shouldn't be worrying about anything right now, just go and rest while I get you a little supper."

It's quite nice to be supposedly friends with Axel. She's not really that nice and social to everyone else , probably since she's so zombie obsessed. I look at Axel promptly and realise something's missing.

"Where's Ripper! Your boyfriend. Aren't you guys always together?"
Axel looks at me and frowns a bit.
"Uhh, well, not now. I told him to go home as I thought I'd go finding you. I didn't want company with me."

I looked at her. I could tell that's not all. Did they break up? Did they argue. Did one of them find out some bad about the other?

"Well I'm sure that's not all. Tell me all about it. I'm curious!"
Axel looks at me reluctantly but starts speaking.

"I've been trying to avoid Ripper as much as I can. As much as I do love him, our constant making out is toxic. To the relationship, and us ourselves. I can't stand it. It's turning into a bad addiction, and avoiding him is my only way of helping. I don't know how to break up with him, I don't want to break his heart at all. Neither do I want to hurt mine."

Wow, she really loves THAT guy. I wonder why. I mean his looks are definitely not it, his personality is just as shit. I decide to ask her why she loves him.

"Well, I guess we all have our preferences. He was actually quite a sweetheart. Weird too, I quite liked that about him. But he was very.. attached.. and that's bad.."

She didn't really seem too comfortable talking about it. She just went on making my little supper. I honestly probably shouldn't have asked her about him.

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