Chapter 3

37 1 14

Axel's pov

It's been three weeks since me and Nichelle officially became friends. If I'm being honest, we got close quite quickly, although we could only meet up twice, due to Ripper. I finally decided I have had enough of lying to him, so I thought I'd introduce him to Nichelle for once. I haven't told him that he's going to meet a new friend of mine, I didn't want him raging. I checked my phone, while waiting on Ripper to come out of his house, and I see a message from Nichelle.


Nichelle: Hey uhm. Would it be fine if I bring a friend along, I mean I'm kind of scared of Ripper, what if he bites or something!
Axel: Well, if you'd like? Who's this person?
Nichelle: It's just Damien! I mean, I haven't told that we're hanging out with Ripper, or else he wouldn't go. But he can be my personal shield if anything.
Axel: Uhh you sure he'll be fine? What if Ripper does something to him and he blames you. Wouldn't want it to be that Millie - Damien situation again!
Nichelle: Yes, don't worry! Me and him are like interlinked best friendsss 😜.
Axel: I guess you can bring him along, I don't see a problem. But I've got to go, Ripper's coming out the house, see you later.
Nichelle: Dang see you later boo.

Nichelle's pov

*Forty minutes later *

"So, where are we going?" Damien asks. I decide to still not tell him we're meeting up with Axel and that stupid human sized fart bomb. "We are just going shopppingggg, we are going to have so much fun, aren't we!" Damien looks at me concerningly "Woah girl, you seek a little too excited for shopping. Ain't you rich already?" "I mean, we haven't went shopping together before, don't you think it'll be awesome?" I say to Damien. He doesn't seem to keen on what's happening, he knows something is up. "Maaannn, I don't know. Feels like something will happen." I look at him with a smile "Don't worry Damien, nothing will happen." He just side eyes me while turning his face to focus in front of us. Suddenly I get a text from Axel.


Axel: I don't know if I wanna come anymore...
Nichelle: Huh? What happened why not?
Axel: Ripper took too long coming out the house, so I went in and he was uhm.. kissing a boy. Except I couldn't tell who it was.
Nichelle: WHAT?!?!? HE'S GAY? AND CHEATING ON YOU WITH A MANN. That is one way of coming out to someone.

I fear after Axel told me that I burst out laughing.

Nichelle: Well, I think coming shopping with us will will brighten your mood up. I'll even give you an extra 500 dollars!
Axel: I don't know. My mascaras is smudged from my crying, and I don't have wipes with me.

Wow, Axel wears a bit of make up too? I thought she was too zombie obsessed for that, but then it also fits the zombie vibe. Also she cries? Never would've thought she cries.

Nichelle: Don't worry I've got you, I'll buy some wipes for you! Just come to the mall's car park and we'll locate you.
Axel: Fine, I'll come. I need some distractions anyway.
Nichelle: Your distraction should be on how ugly he is! Doesn't that give you an ick?And also, he is very much serious with his sigma humour. That is suchhhh a turn offfff!
Axel: I don't know man, but I'm five minutes away from the mall? Where are you?
Nichelle: We are just about to enter the mall! Text me when you parked, and I'll find you with some wipes.

"Damien, we need to go to the makeup store real quick!" Damien looks at me and says "Girl, you already have lots of makeup back at ur big ass mansion! You don't need no more!" I decided it was time to let him know why I brought him, as Ripper isn't coming anyway. "Look Damien, the reason I actually took you with me was because I was supposed to meet Axel and Ripper, and thought if Ripper does anything you could've been my shield. But now something happened between them and we have NO time to wait."

We both go and get her makeup wipes, a new mascara and some chocolate. I thought the chocolate would be a nice treat . Ten minutes later we end up walking to her car. I tell Damien to wait in-front of her car, as i open the passengers seat in hope its unlocked.

"Hey Axel! I got you the wipes and two other things."
"Thanks Nich." Axel replies back.
I look at her properly and realise how buried into her arms she was. Clearly she really loved that guy, even if he's... ugly...

I suggest instead of shopping we go drive around and find a place to take a walk. Damien doesn't find interest in that and decides to go meet up with his friends. I stay with Axel and fully enter her car.

"Do you need help with wiping your face?" I ask her to be polite. Why not be a good friend?
"Uhm sure, if you want." She sniffles

I lift her head up from her arms and GOSH her face was really puffy. It was also read and really covered in smudged mascara.

"I know this sounds mean but I don't think you shouldn't cry that much over someone like Ripper. I mean yeah he cheated but like come on, think of how ugly he is!"
"Nichelle it isn't that easy unfortunately. You wouldn't know that."
"Sorry then, but it's okay. At least he's gone."

I take a wipe and start wiping her face. She had a nice, soft feel to her face. Her skin was really smooth. "Your skin is very smooth Axel!" She smiles to my compliment. Usually whenever one of my friends are upset, I give them a tight hug. I do the same with Axel, and I got a weird tingly feeling in my stomach.

"Sorry if that made you uncomfortable, this is just something I do with my friends whenever they're sad."
"No, it's okay Nich, I really don't mind. I kind of need it right now to be honest."

I give her another hug and decide to get rolling. I tell her I'll drive, as she's obviously too upset to do so.

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