Chapter 2

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Nichelle's pov

"Well here, your little supper is ready" Axel says.
I look at the supper she made seeing it's simply just some soup.
"Oh wow, thank you axel." I tell her "Well, maybe since we're here why not get to know each other?"
"Uh, sure I guess, you can start by asking a few questions." Axel replies
"What got you to get with ripper? I mean he very much doesnt look good and he's just soo.. annoying!" I decide ask.

Axel looks at me a bit irritated. She stays silent for a few seconds until she decides to answer.
"I already told you this. Everyone has their own preferences. I guess I see the good side to him, unlike others."
"Me personally, I wouldn't get with him. He looks like a tramp. Well, enough about Ripper, what about your personal life?"
"What about my personal life? What do you want to know?"
"Well anything, just to get to know you. You say a few facts about yourself and I will do the same."

I thought getting to know Axel would be interesting. I mean, I've never met someone like her before. She just looks so.. mesmerising to me. But what am I even saying.

"Well I suppose there isn't much to say. I really like stuff about zombies. Like I've trained a lot. I guess I have four brothers too. But they live with our mother. I like hunting animals down sometimes, and that's it really."

"That's so cool Axel! I've never met someone like you." I say
"Well, should I get onto talking about me?"
"If you'd like." Axel replies
"So basically I'm a multi-millionaire who used to work for Hollywood before they fired me but don't worry because im SOOO getting back to Hollywood. Once they see my awesome tricks, they sure can't know."
"Uhm, is that really it about you?" Axel asks
"Eh no actually. I also live in a mansion, it is SOOOO big you wouldn't believe it."
"Seriously, is that all you have about you. Flexing your rich life?"
"I'm joking Axel. You know me and Julia somehow knew each other in primary. We still had beef back then."
"I don't wanna hear about Julia really."
"But you are so anyway. So basically like oh my gosh she was the most bitchiest girl ever and like gosh that girl was SOOOO jealous of me even BEFORE I became famous like she'd always be the second favourite gosh she SOOO hated my guts because of course I was the most popular girl in the whole school year like literally I had ALLL the boys staring at me and everyone wanted to be my friend."
"And how would Julia react?" Axel asks
"Once she called me the n word. But that wasn't even the worst! She took my barbie doll before and cut her hair off. That was SOOOO uncalled for! But it looked better than Julia's mullet now."

Axel giggles a bit. Weirdly enough that made me smile, I guess seeing her a bit happier than before makes me happy.

"Is there anything el-" I get interrupted from an incoming call coming from Axel's phone.
"Shoot sorry, I need to take this call. It's Ripper, I don't want him coming down here if I don't answer."

Before I could answer Axel runs out of the small living room into a different room. I thought then I'd explore this little cabin of hers. It had a mini kitchen, with a nice view of the trees of the forest. A little bathroom, nicely decorated. I went upstairs and saw there were three bedrooms. I decide to enter into one. This one looked like a guest room. The other room was the exact same. I was going to enter the third bedroom, but that is seemingly axels room and she's in there, calling her ugly boyfriend. I decided to be cheeky and eavesdrop through the door.

Axel: "Oh babe, I really can't come visit you right now. I uhm, have some plans. Sorry."
Ripper: "But whyyyy. Axel, I really want to hang out! *sniffle* What about our daily.. daily m-make out sessions?!"
Axel: "Gosh Ripper, I'll see you tomorrow or something. I'm.. uhm.. having family problems right now and I really can't visit. I'm sorry babe!"
Ripper: "But ax-"
Call disconnects

"Nichelle you can come in."
How the hell did she know? I enter the door and look into Axel's eyes, she didn't seem so delighted.

"Whats wrong, you don't seem very glee now." I ask her
"Ugh, it's just Ripper you know. I can't let him know you're here."
"Why not, what will even happen. What necessarily would he do, cause a stink bomb here?"
"He just gets... concerning and mad when I hang out with others. I guess he's possessive..."
"That's a controlling boyfriend right there! If I were you, I'd SOOO break up on the spot."
"It's not that easy, Nichelle. It never really is"
"Pfft, give me that phone, I'll send him a few text messages and bam, he's gone."
"Eh, no, maybe in the future. But I think you should get going now, I just know Ripper will make his way down here. I need to go out of here too, so give me your number and I suppose I can drop you off."
I was a bit upset having to leave Axel's house. It was nice having her company around, if I'm being honest.
"Woa-ho-ho. So we really friends now? Perfect. My number is ***********."
"There, got your number down, now lets really get out of here before we see Ripper on site."

Axel dropped me off to my house, and we said goodbye. I instantly started texting her telling her to tell me how things go with her and Ripper. We sent a few texts there and then before we both went and did our own things.

I miss my girlfriend guys 😢😢 but anyways i hope yall enjoyed

I miss my girlfriend guys 😢😢 but anyways i hope yall enjoyed

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