Concordia Library

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Dusk and Xavia sit opposite each other aboard the train, Xavia dressed like an international scholar while Dusk is disguised like a librarian, wearing thick-rimmed glasses. This time, Aurelius is after a rare book collection that is currently being held in Concordia Library, a historical building located in the Mimbo Republic. The pair had already been on a long airship ride and they still have a few hours left until they arrive at their stop.

Xavia grumbles, adjusting himself in the uncomfortable leather seat, "This goddamn journey... Aurelius better make sure it's worth every damn second and pay me extra."

Dusk grins at him, unwilling to let her mood dampen the trip. Adjusting her glasses while folding one of her legs over the other, she chirps cheerfully, "Oh, come on, Xavia, don't be such a grouch! It's like an adventure."

She knows well enough by now that he's stubborn and usually cranky but she finds it almost... Amusing? It's so alien to how she had grown up. In all that gloom, there lies something endearing. Her gaze slips back to staring out the window as they pass by beautiful landscapes filled with rolling hills and towering trees.

"Besides," Dusk adds quietly after a moment of silence between them, "I think travelling is fun."

He snorts, rolling his eyes at her, "Yeah, like a fun-filled adventure of sitting on our asses for hours," He retorts, his voice laced with sarcasm.

He lazily glances at the scenery going by outside the window before turning back to observe Dusk. He feels baffled by her enthusiasm and her positivity towards their boring journey. A naive perspective that only serves to cement his belief that she's too bright for this line of work.

Dusk can't help but laugh at Xavia's irritated reply, throwing her head back slightly, "Adventures don't always have to be filled with danger and excitement, you know," She leans towards him playfully, "Sometimes they're about the journey rather than the destination."

She knows he isn't buying any of this 'adventure' talk but she decides not to let it bother her. Instead, she inwardly wonders when and why he became so cynical. But then again, everyone has their reasons.

Xavia raises an eyebrow at her, shrugging off her optimistic view while he leans back in his seat, "Right. And this 'journey' is about as thrilling as watching paint dry."

Chuckling, Dusk shakes her head as she tries to suppress a smirk, "You really have a way with words," She says lightly before stealing another peek at the breathtaking view outside.

As she turns her attention back to her partner, Dusk notices how his eyes hint at tiredness underneath their usual crankiness. A pang of concern nudges at her even though they aren't friends. Not yet anyway.

"I try," He responds, looking away from her and back out the window. He stretches his arms above his head before rubbing his eyes, letting out a long sigh.

As much as he tries to brush it off, the long journey is starting to take its toll on him. His annoyance with Dusk starts fading into mere background noise as fatigue creeps up on him slowly yet surely.

"Rest," Dusk utters out softly, "I can keep an eye out for our stop," She offers him a small reassuring smile, maintaining steady eye contact with him.

The white-haired man looks at her for a moment as he considers her offer, "Fine," He agrees grudgingly before leaning his head against the window and closing his eyes.

Xavia is reluctant to show vulnerability in front of Dusk but he can't deny that rest is essential, especially with what lies ahead. He doesn't trust her entirely yet, or maybe it's just hard for him to trust anyone completely. But he understands the practicality of teamwork even on such basic matters, one keeping watch while the other rests.

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