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- - - EASTERN OCEAN // JULY 26TH - - -

When Xavia awakens, he's greeted by the gentle rocking of the boat as the sky dims around them. His gaze drifts towards Dusk, who remains in a peaceful sleep. Stretching with a yawn, he stays silent while watching Kana skillfully guide the vessel.

He hesitates, taking a moment to contemplate his words before speaking up, "Hey, Kana," He starts, crossing his arms over his chest casually. His tone is almost dismissively nonchalant but there's an undeniable curiosity lacing it, "How did you and Dusk meet?"

Kana smiles slightly, glancing at her former student before turning her focus back to the open sea. The sky is calm and serene with clouds floating above, a stark contrast to their recent chaotic encounter.

"Ah, that takes me back," She starts in a reminiscing tone, "I found this kid trying to barter for food in a shady marketplace against an even shadier conman but it wasn't going well..."

- - - 5 YEARS AGO - - -

"Hey, you!" A strange man with several burlap bags slung over his shoulder approaches a younger Dusk, "I see you could probably use some help. I'm sure I have some deals for you, young lady!"

Dusk turns her head, startled by his sudden approach. She eyes him warily, trying to figure out if he's friend or foe. Her past had not prepared her for such interactions.

"Oh... Um, sure," She agrees hesitantly, "What kind of deals do you have?"

Her mind races as she tries to make sense of this interaction. Is it normal? Is this how people outside Endless behave?

The man grins, nodding approvingly at Dusk's interest. He hastily sets his bags down and begins to pull out various items, fruits, bread loaves, even a small dagger.

"Oh, we got all kinds of things here! Fresh apples from the orchard up north. They're sweet as honey, I promise you that. And this bread? Baked fresh everyday by Mrs. Gardener herself," He explains, picking up each item as he shows them off to her.

Dusk's eyes light up at the sight of food, her stomach growling in agreement. She gingerly reaches out to take an apple and a loaf of bread into her hands, weighing them carefully.

"And you look like someone who could use some protection... This little beauty should do the trick for ya," He adds as his hand hovers over the hilt of a tiny, yet menacing-looking dagger, "We can work out somethin' reasonable with your budget, young lady."

"Protection...?" The young girl echoes softly while glancing towards the weapon with mixed emotions. Her fingertips brush against its hilt tentatively. She had only ever used one once before, "I guess that might be useful. But I don't have much money."

She fumbles around in her cloak pocket before pulling out a small handful of coins. It was all the money she'd managed to scrape together since leaving home, "What can I get for this?"

A crooked smile breaks out across the man's face. His shoddy products aren't even worth that much but he isn't going to say no, "Hmm, I suppose I could part with one of my items..."

Dusk notices the man's expression and feels a sense of unease, but she can't quite put her finger on why. She understands so little about how these transactions work. Could he be trying to trick her?

"Hmm," She contemplates aloud, still eyeing him skeptically, "What do you suggest I take? The food or... Or the knife?" Her hands clutch at both pieces tighter now, one from necessity, and the other out of fear.

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