Oneshot 2 / Hallie meets her family:

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A Legacy's Mortal Family - Behind the Scenes

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A Legacy's Mortal Family - Behind the Scenes

Timeline: after Hallie's adoption is finalised

(Also, Lesa, Gage and Layne all know about Hallie!)

3rd person

HALLIE stood nervously beside Colby, tugging on one of her sleeves.

It was autumn in Kansas, and she was wearing a long-sleeved green patterned shirt with black leggings. A green clip held her hair.

They were going to stay at Hallie's grandparents for a bit - and she hadn't even met them yet.

Colby glanced to her. "Are you alright, Lee?"

"I'm nervous," she said softly.

"My mom already loves you," Colby chuckled.

Hallie blinked.

"...why? She's never met me."

Colby ignored her question, causing Hallie to huff. She stayed silent, though, instead admiring the house they stood outside of.

"Also, what are we waiting for?"

Colby froze for a moment before realising no one - except Gage, who was getting ready to film - knew they were there. He had his house key. "...I don't know."


Colby laughed, taking out the key and unlocking the front door. He and Hallie stepped inside.

The entrance way was where the two took off their shoes, and they headed further in.

They walked through the house and found the three others. Hallie stood a little further back as Colby greeted his family.

He stepped back to Hallie and wrapped an arm around her shoulders. "Mom, Dad, Gage, this is Hallie!"

Lesa, Hallie's grandmother, smiled warmly at her. "Hello Hallie, sweetheart!"

The girl smiled back. "Hi."

"I have a niece!" Gage grinned. Hallie giggled lightly.

She could also tell what the look on Lesa's face was expressing. The girl took a deep breath and stepped forward, opening her arms.

Lesa embraced her tightly. Hallie smiled.

They pulled away and Colby rubbed Hallie's shoulder with a smile.

"You are such a beautiful girl, Hallie," Lesa told her. She flushed.

"Thank you."

"How long are you guys staying?" Layne asked.

Hallie looked up at Colby, grinning when he looked back down at her.

"A few days, I think."

Hallie nodded in agreement, jumping when Lesa showed her something.

It was a bracelet with five charms. Hallie had seen something similar on Colby's wrist.

"There's one for all of us," Lesa explained. "I got you one."

Hallie's eyes widened. "You didn't have to."

"You're one of us, Lee," Colby corrected. She let Lesa clamp it around her wrist, tearing up at the first charm that caught her eye.

A small little book charm, and when she turned it, on the back was H.G.B.

She looked at the other ones, and each had one of the family members initials. "I love it."

She held it closer to her, smiling. "Thank you."

"Of course."

Hallie really was part of a family now.

This is for kotlc2744 who wanted Hallie to meet Colby's family! Also - whether the whole bracelet thing is real or not I don't know, I just wanted to make it up!

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