Chapter 1: a la mode

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Connor was not a people person, you could say. He hated big groups. He hated his family and reunions. He hated most things people related. But her? oh, God, nothing could stop him from being with her, spending time with her, loving her, he would do anything for her.

Nayla was her name. She was in some of his classes, they were best friends. She always helped Connor with things he didn't understand, she picked him to be her work partner no matter who else had asked her. They were truly an unstoppable pair.

"Know what I think?" Nayla asked as Connor drove them, the destination approaching on the map, "I think that you're scared."

"Of what?!" he laughed, keeping his eyes on the road.

"What's there to not be scared of? We're going to college in, what, five months?" Nayla sighed, thinking about her plans and how they were nothing like his plans. "And we're not going to the same college! Isn't that scary?"

Connor sighed, "yeah... it is scary."

He hated to admit it, but Connor would dearly miss Nayla.

Nayla would fully admit it, she couldn't stand the thought of being away from her best friend. What would she do without him?

"don't miss me too much, you hear?" Nayla giggled, "I would hate to have that happen."

"I should say the same to you, missy!" laughed her companion. He tried to silence his thoughts with her presence and his own laughter, but he knew his thoughts would only grow louder and he would soon break.

Nayla looked over to him, smiling contently. She pulled up her knees to her chest and turned fully to face Connor. He faced the road, but from the corner of his eyes saw her staring.

"What?" he asked, smiling too. "Something on my face or something?"

Nayla shook her head "I just wanna look at you."


"What?!" Nayla exclaimed, laughing, "I can't look at my very dear friend?"

Connor scoffed. friend. Is that all he is to her?

"what're you scoffing at, mister?" she giggled, "I'm so serious!"

He nodded. "We're here."

Nayla rushed out of the car, "A La Mode here I come!"

Connor followed suit, "don't run too fast!"

"catch up! You have those long ass spider legs for a reason!" Nayla shrieked, looking behind her to see that Connor was running up to her. "No! Con, please!"

He picked her up from behind, spinning around with her in his arms. People around them stared, some smiling and some just observing.

"c'mon loser." Connor spoke into Nayla's ear, "let's go inside, yeah?"

She nodded, smiling from ear to ear. He had let her go, she was now following him like a lost, lovesick, puppy.

They walked in and Nayla went to find a seat for them- A La Mode is never this busy...

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