CHAPTER 4: Gee, Whiz! Your Mom Let You Have Height AND a Big *ss? (TV)

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*Yawn* "Good morning, Yuta-kun~" You greeted your fellow first year on your way to grab breakfast. You were excited! It was one of your favorite meals of the day, after all! In your opinion, breakfast food was on top.

"Good morning, (Name)-san," he returned your sentiment with a smile, nearly sending your sleep-addled mind into overdrive. Ah, he looks so cute with his bedhead!

"Good morning, two of my favorite students!" Your regularly scheduled teacher waved at you both from the end of the hallway. You reciprocated the gesture with energy, while Yuta did so... with none whatsoever. Go on, king, give him nothing.

"Good morning, Gojo-sensei! How are you doing?" You were always so quick to ask people about their conditions, which made his old man heart grow fond with nostalgia.

"I'm doing just fine, thank you, (Name)! I just came by to remind you both to pack tonight so we can leave tomorrow," Gojo said with some wiggly hand motions, and you gave him a salute, as per your usual weird yet endearing mannerisms.

"Aye aye, captain!" You chirped with a giggle, while Yuta's lips quirked up at your cute nature before nodding to his teacher.

"We'll get on that. Was there anything else we need to do?"

Gojo hummed. "Well... not really, but! Get ready for a special guest~" He said cryptically. Your mind instantly went to the worst-case scenario. No! Not when I just convinced myself last night that it can't happen!! Gojo immediately sensed your distress and moved to the damage control part of relaying this information to you.

"It's a good special guest, (Name), you'll be happy to see him." He explained a bit more. You were grateful, but still cautious.

"Who do you mean?" You asked. He smiled like the Cheshire cat.

"Hmm, I wonder~?" He said in a sing-song voice, which caused you to huff at him. Who is he talking about here?! I wanna know!!

"You'll find out when we get to Kyoto, don't worry!" He gave you a pat on the head, but only did it once. Nanami had struck the fear of God into him with how he went from a salaryman to a sorcerer to a father figure for you, and he was following an eerily similar pattern with his treatment of you. You were like... a father figure magnet, or something.

"Good luck!"


In lieu of more yapping, Kusakabe decided to have you all work on stamina and combat training today. Oh, boy...

You and Yuta were split up, making him more nervous and you more comfortable. It wasn't that you didn't want to spend time with Yuta, but you would rather be with recent acquaintances than him when it came to situations potentially involving you revealing your strength. You were with Shiori and Kimiko while Yuta was grouped with Seiji and Matsuo.

"Alright! Let's start with combat!" Shiori seemed excited to work with you and Kimiko, something you were very thankful for since Matsuo seemingly couldn't have cared less about this whole "training you to be ready for the event he is also literally in" thing. She turned to you.

"Are you gonna use your..." She made slashing motions. You laughed before slapping a hand over your mouth to cover the rest of your amused noises.

"Do... Do you mean my sword, Shiori-senpai?" You asked and she nodded eagerly.

"Yes!!" She replied with as much enthusiasm as you expected her to.

"Yes, but I wasn't sure I wanted to actually use it-"

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