CHAPTER 1: And Then There Were Five (Taylor's Version)

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"Wahh!! That looks so yummy~"

"(Name), please focus." Your mentor's stern voice lightly chastised your easily distractible self. She always gets excited so easily. Although, I do suppose that's typical of a child her age. You immediately straightened up and saluted him, with an amusingly determined look on your face.

"Right! Sorry, Sir!"

While you and the man, the myth, the legend himself Nanami Kento were on your way back from a mission, you both just so happened to walk past a bakery... and you were a simple gal, with simple tastes. And, of course, your mentor being your mentor sighed as he felt himself caving into rewarding you for a job well done.

"*Sigh* Just make it quick."

"*Delighted Gasp* Yay! Thanks, Sir!!"


*Ding!* "Hello, how are you doin' today?" You could almost salivate at how delicious the place smelled. I'm even hungrier now that we're inside! Wah!! Then you finally took notice of the clerk who would be assisting you in this here monetary transaction. You felt your face heat up. Ah! The clerk's pretty, too?! I love this bakery!!

"(Name), please." Nanami, on the other hand, was beyond sick and tired. While he adored having you as his protege because of your undeniable strength and people skills, you could certainly be a handful. It was the fatherly instinct for him.

"Oh, sorry, Sir! I'm on it!" You saluted to him again before running around the small shop to decide on your choice. This one smells good... Oh, but so does this one! Ahh, why must choices be so hard?!

Nanami, being the keen-eyed father figure he was forced into being for you (read as: being the parental unit who stepped up and came through time and time again in this garbage pit of a society), stepped up to the counter. With a simple statement and flash of money, he saved your whole life.

"I'll take one of everything." He said simply. You beamed at him.

"You got it, Sir!" The lady chirped, before blinking and taking everything in.

"Wait... huh?"


*Munch!* "Thanks, Sir!"

"*Sigh* (Name), please don't chew with your mouth open like that." Granted, you weren't even doing such, but he wanted you to finish your snacks before you returned to school.

"Ope, sorry 'bout that." You covered your burning cheeks. How embarrassing!! But, it's so good, I can't help it!! Then you slapped your cheeks to compose yourself and finally got back to being a functioning member of society.

"Oh! And thanks for gettin' this stuff for me, that was awfully... sweet of you, haha!" You snickered at your own "joke," while Nanami only pushed his glasses farther up the bridge of his nose.

"It was the least I could do, especially considering the mission we just completed." Well, he wasn't... wrong, per se. The two of you had just checked off a certain job that took place at the home of a family with a long history of assault cases. To say the vibes were off because of it would not only be disrespectful, but a massive understatement, as well.

"In addition, I noticed that you seemed much more tired than usual today. Are you feeling alright? If you need to rest, I will file the proper paperwork necessary." Damn, the fatherly instincts were off the chart today, huh-

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