I was just getting dressed into some sporty cloths. Bella and I are gonna play baseball. Well, mainly me Bella is not that fast. And apparently the only Time the cullens play is durin a storm.

We got there as I see Carlisle walk up to him as he puts his arm around me and kissed my head "I'm so glad you agreed to come"

"Of course. But just so you know I never played baseball" I said to him.

He smirks "well I hope you're a fast learner"

"Obviously" I chuckled.

Then we starte playing I watched how they did it and it's crazy. I watched my man get a nice second base making his sons crash to each other trying to catch the ball.

Then it was my turn I thought I would give it my all as Alice throws the ball and I hit it as I ran it was a home run obvious but I thought I would show off by doing some flips as I got to the base.

"You're safe" Bella said. "And show off

I smiled "you know me Bella"

Then I walked to Carlisle as he wraps his arms around me "I never thought flips would make you so sexy" he pecks my lips as I hugged him.

"Stop" I heard Alice say knowing we have company. We all get together "they we're leaving then they heard us"

I walked up to Bella "you gotta get you out of here Edward take her home."

"It's too late" Carlisle said.

The we all get together as the three vampires walked up to us one in the middle was a man with dread. The other on the right was a woman and on the left was a man who has a jacket on who looked like someone I knew.

"I believe this belongs to you" the one in the middle said showing the ball and throws it.

But Carlisle catches it "thank you"

"I am Laurent" the guy introduced himself "and this is Victoria and James" he introduced his friends.

"I'm Carlisle this is my family. I'm afraid your hunting activities have caused something of a mess for us."

"Our apologies We didn't realize the territory had been claimed."

"Yes well we maintain a permanent residence nearby"

"Really?" Laurent asked as he looked at James then back at us "well we won't be a problem anymore we were just passing through."

"The humans were tracking us but we led them east you should be safe" Victoria said.


"So could you use three more players?" Laurent asked No one answer "oh come on just one game"

Carlisle sighs "sure why not? A few of us were leaving you could take their place we'll bat bat first" Carlisle throws the ball.

Victoria catches it "im the one with the wicked curveball"

"Oh I think we can handle that" jasper said making it a challenge.

We all split to get ready to play but I could feel something wasn't right. The all the sudden from a distance I heard James sniff and wispers "you brought a snack" mentioning Bella.

"Oh hell no!" I turned around and ran up to him and punched him making him go far but he comes back I was ready for another one but Carlisle stops me by wrapping his arm around me tightly. As everyone else goes in front of Bella.

"A human?" Laurent said in shock.

"The girl is with us" Carlisle said "I think it best if you leave."

"I can see the game is over we'll go now" then he looks at his friend "James" then they all go.

"Alanna, get Bella out of of here. Go" he kissed my forehead.

Then I took Bella to the car and I drove her. "Listen to me James is a tracker. The hunt is an obsession" I told her. "I can tell. I've seen those kind before long before you born. And when I heard him My reaction on the feild set him off. I just mad this most exciting game ever. He's never gonna stop"

"What do we do?" Bella asked.

"We have to kill him. Rip him apart and burn the peices that's how vampires kill vampires. We have to get you away from forks we'll get a ferry to Vancouver and if I take you home he's gonna trace your cent there it's the first place he's gonna look"

"My dad is there"

"It doesn't matter!" I exclaimed.

"Yes it does he could get killed because of us We'll figure a way to lead the tracker away somehow.i don't know but we have to do something."

Ageless love (Carlisle X OC)Where stories live. Discover now