time goes by

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   It's been hard over the years trapped and alone I was grateful for Marco and Emma and the maid they didn't leave like ash and Jonnie did. Marco trained me on guns and self-defense making it easier for me to fight Luca's old ass.

   Marco was like a brother to me I told him everything I haven't smiled, laughed or even smirked since the day he left the first year 2 years I had hope but eventually I realized he wasn't. And that made me even more numb than I already was.

   I didn't eat , sleep or drink until eventually Marco caught on helping me with my eating problems I've gained healthy weight, Luca has been getting older and older I just couldn't wait until he dropped dead no matter how much I fought, kicked or even tried to shoot him his punishment was what broke me.

  He liked seeing me afraid and scared and eventually overtime I let him do what he pleased with me without a fight otherwise he would punish me by hitting me , cutting me , hanging me, one time he even shot me in my leg.

   But Marco protected me as much as he possibly could Luca would get mad at why I wasn't getting pregnant he wanted to reproduce just so he can fuck the kid up like he's doing me? FUCK no I continued taking the pills every morning the maid constantly restocked me.

Everyday to get to my room I have to walk past his everyday i go inside my dresser looking at his cologne before closing it I kept everything he gave to me even the necklace that belonged to his mother. But I hated him I had so much wrath and hatred for him because he didn't come for me. I remembered the way he smelled but I'm forgot the way he felt so I promised to myself to block him out my memory...
And so I did

Getting out the shower I get dressed inside simple legs and a baggy shirt before walking downstairs heading to the basement were I met Marco giving him a hug "ready?"

"Born ready" I replied, Marco gave me boxing gloves before putting them on marco put gloves on to.

Unexpectedly he throws a punch a me which I dodged before punching him making his face turn to the right

" You wanna play dirty?...bet" I said before also kicking him in his knee but he was a strong men that stood probably around 6'5 this nigga was slender man.

I tried to punch him a again out I missed he punched me the impact almost knocked me out put I was used to it I kept pushing kicking him In his balls he crouch down making it easier for me to punch him in his face. I kicked him in his knee making him fall down

"I WIN" I yelled with no explanation on my face he chuckled before taking off his gloves did the same " good job you get better and better each day Luca is 65 don't worry he'll be dead soon" he paused "hopefully" he whispered. Making me wanna smile a bit but I didn't "hopefully" I rolled my eyes "guns?"

  He smirked before grabbing the guns we had a built in shooting range where I practiced I stood in my spot waiting for his word " head" he said I shot the cardboard in the head " shoulder" I shot it in its shoulder.
" Neck" I accidentally shot it in the chest "shit" I hissed

Marco got another gun before shooting the cardboard in the head , shoulder, neck, and dick "the least one is what you did to me" he said mad making me a smirk a bit "is that a smirk I see?" He smiled grabbing my shoulders making me face him "that's something I haven't seen in a while" he said softly. " I need you to open up more?"

I shook my head "hell no Everytime I do I get hurt" he raises his hand to my chin caressing my face "I don't think you realize the More you hold your emotions in the more hurt your going to be one day...your gonna break I haven't seen u smile , smirk, cry since Julian left...I need you happy can you try for me?"

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