It means your pregnant

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Fucking shity, like every damn night. Stuck at some stupid bar in a hotel you can't really even count as a hotel. It's pathetic.

“Angel not no-” Husker would turn towards the man in front of the counter “God damn it, of course it's you” Groaning the feline placed the glass he was cleaning to the side, crossing his arms, and cocking an eyebrow.

“You seem very pleased to see me” The man, Alastor, widened his smile while holding his staff in front of himself.
“Yeah… Very pleased” Husker scoffed “What do you want?” Husker asked, dropping his arms to his side.

“Not much…” Alastor then walked around the counter stepping being husker, He placed his hands on huskers hips pulling him close while pressing his crotch against huskers back side.

“Fucking perv!” Husker moved forward so he wasn't as pressed against Alastor and Alastor let him, He didn't mind the hands on his hips, he let them stay.

Alastor hummed at husker's statement and moved his hands to his stomach, placing his chin on husks shoulder. Alastor would then feel ato Husker's stomach while still humming to himself.
Husk relaxed into the touch now allowing himself to be pulled closer to Alastor.
Alastor turned husk to face him, quickly grabbing his chin in his hand, Alastor pulled him closer before practically Smashing his lips against huskers, letting out a seemingly relieved sigh.
Husker smiled at that and kissed Alastor back, wrapping his wings around them both. The feline nipped at Alastors bottom lip purring loudly.
The radio demon lifted husker up placing him on top of the bar counter, he groaned working at the suspenders on huskers pants pulling them off once he's gotten them un-clipped from the felines pants.
While Alastor was doing that, Husker began to work on Alastors top, pulling the overcoat off first, then moving to his dress shirt.
Alastor pulled back from the kiss gasping. He worked at his belt pulling his pants off before going to pull huskers pants and boxers off. The demon wrapped his hand around husks manhood kissing him once again slowly stroking husker.
He gasped throwing his head back at the soft touch

“F-fuck..” Husker stuttered digging his nails into the wood counter.

Alastor let go grabbing Husker's thighs and pulled him to the edge of the counter, pressing his hand against Husker's stomach he pressed into him letting out a soft groan.
The feline wrapped his legs around Alastors waist laying back against the counter completely, His wings spread out while his ears flattened at the movements.
Alastor moved his hips with fast but soft movements, rubbing one of husks thighs thighs with his thumb keeping his other pressed against huskers stomach
The feline arched his back, his back being pressed against the counter again due to Alastors hand. He was already a mess, his legs shaking while moaning loudly. Husker tightened his legs around Alastors waist while covering his eyes with his arm.
Alastor quickened his pace, leaning down to catch Husker in a deep kiss while tightening his grip on Husker's thigh. The demon whispered soft praises while groaning loudly against Husker's lips.
Husker kissed the demon back, whimpering and gasping at each slight movement Alastor made. The feline then threw his head back causing him to break the kiss, he practically screamed as he cummed, covering his face right after.
Alastor pressed his hand against Husker's stomach once again, speeding up the movement in his hips, before snapping his hips forward groaning loudly as he came.

Skipping to uh next day because I'm so close to losing motivation 4 this

Husk groaned rolling over in his bed, the covers slightly covering him.

“Fucking damn it…” He sat up rubbing his eyes, his body sore. He gagged covering his mouth feeling warm saliva pool into his mouth, he quickly got out of his bed running into the bathroom kneeling in front of the toilet.
After what felt like hours of vomiting, he coughed grabbing and grabbed a paper towel wiping his mouth off.

“What the fuck…?” Husker opened the cabinet under the sink pulling out a box, He pulled a pregnancy test out of the box quickly tossing it into the trash next to the toilet
He looked at the test before hesitantly deciding to take it

After walking around the bathroom for 30 minutes just staring at the test.
He was lost for words, staring at those two red lines on the test.

“What the fuck?!” He left the bathroom and went up to his bed, he grabbed a pillow and threw it at Alastor laying on the bed “What the fuck is this supposed to mean?!” He then tossed the test at Alastor.

Alastor snickered, holding the test in his hands “Why did you even take this?” he joked with husker, widening his smile.

“I was fucking vomiting! I don't think I'm gonna randomly get sick after having sex with you! Plus you seemed so obsessed with me!” He rolled his eyes crossing his arms while glaring at Alastor “So what does this mean?!”

“It means you're pregnant” The demon laughed at that sentence, placing the test aside and pulling Husker into his lap.
Husker groaned allowing himself to be pulled into Alastors lap

“This is bullshit” Husker huffed

Alastor snickered playing with huskers tail “it's not like it'll be forever… Plus you'd make an amazing daddd~” Alastor whispered to husker grinning widely

“Shut up you creep!” The feline laughed at that, before quickly calming down again resting against Alastor while purring softly.

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