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 𝕬   ׁ֢    ˖ part three — reality?

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 𝕬   ׁ֢ ˖ part three — reality?

One day. That's all it took for her world to turn upside down. She went to that place in search of truth, regardless of how both her colleague and her boss called it bullshit. Well, it seemed like bullshit to her too. But if there was even a miniscule chance that it could be true, she could just be abandoning the story, like everyone else did and maybe that's what drew her into the story. Maybe that's why she wanted to know if this mysterious man wasn't just some tale of valour.

Her eyes fell on the rain drops on the glass pane that raced down at an excruciatingly slow speed. If she's any good at mathematics, she'd at least spend about four hours all by herself, locked in some room.

This however wasn't her only form of entertainment. Sometimes, the trickling drops on the ceiling would manage to make a sound loud enough for her to break out of her chain of thoughts and then she'd stare at that.

She let out a loud grown before getting off the bed she'd found herself on. Varsha tried recollecting what had happened and came to one conclusion.

She was crazy.

Is there another logical reason to all of this? She wasn't sure and then she remembered something she read on the internet - a moment of shock can break a hallucination, even for a crazy person and then she tried that. The hallucination didn't break. Everything that was happening was very real whicheant that she had indeed been kidnapped by the goons she saw from the tower.

She'd wondered where they took Arya for a while, she'd even wondered if he's still alive. That thought plagued her and she hated that she couldn't do anything about it. She just wanted everything to end so she could go back to her mundane routine which ended with her lazing around on her bed.

God she missed her bed.

She missed waking up to her neighbourhoods kids leaving for school, she missed the cold air she had to deal with in the mornings, she missed the annoying colleagues that irked her to get married on a daily. She hated her days but now she wished she could take them back.

The rain that was storming for nearly hours began calming down. The noise the rain produced was the only thing that kept her calm and now that it's gone, panic rose through her. Quickly, she stood up and sauntered around the room, biting her nails down to the quick.

Why her? Of all the people, why'd they kidnap her? She wasn't rich; she worked a normal job that paid a normal amount. They could blackmail her aunt but she was sure they wouldn't get a fortune for it. Maybe Arya was some rich person who worked a normal job for fun. That was the only logical explanation, right? Heck, was anything that happened today logical?

Shrugging her thoughts off, she tried paying attention to literally anything, then she finally paid notice to the distinct chatter from the other side of the musky room.

"Do I look like a saint? Why would I take her in after she ran off?"

"You don't have to take her in, you're not her mom. Just keep an eye on her"

"That's exactly what a mom does, Kamal!"

She heard a long sigh of defeat. Varsha could make out two different voice from the conversation, one of a man whom she assumed was called Kamal and one of a woman.

"We can't have her running away again, Reena. Please just co-operate."

"You know, when you told dad that you'd make sure I'd have no problems, you forgot to mention that you yourself caused problems Kamal."

Varsha decided to no longer listen. Were they talking about her? Sure, she wasn't the best at remembering things but she couldn't have possibly forgotten fleeing. Especially from goons.

Metal shuffled outside of the room and Varsha quickly made out the fact that the door was being opened. Her hands grew cold as she watched creaking sounds errupt. She moved away from the door to avoid awkwardness that might occur and watched the door open.

On the other side stood a man, Kamal and a woman, Reena.

They'd stared at her with so many emotions; hatred, betrayal, relief, sadness. And somehow she didn't remember one reason as to why she'd ignited those emotions in them.

"How's the solidarity confinement treating you Varsha?" The woman, Reena spoke with obvious sarcasm. She began circling around the girl, scrutinizing her for any guilt for her actions when in reality, she was just confused. Her eyes followed Reena's path as she took a note of not getting on her nerves, for her own good.

Once she'd finished her task, the man, Kamal spoke.

"Where were you all this time? Why'd you have to leave?"

Reflexively Varsha's hummed as her head fell to the floor. She didn't have anything to say. How could she? She doesn't even know what happened, or who she is right now.

"If you loved someone enough to elope with them why didn't you just talk to your father about it."

Again unknowingly she hummed and she let his words run through her head. When the words he said hit her, she looked up at them in shock.

"What? Elope? With who?!" Varsha said.

"Ah so she can speak." Reena spoke whilst letting out a small grin. She was a menace, that was for sure.

"The guy we caught you with. Why else would the both of you stand together?" Kamal asked and then it came back to her again. Arya was also caught.

This wasn't happening for mere fun or money. They'd given her a reason. And whatever this reason was, led her to flee. She had two choices now - one, scream bloody murder of two, try and get to know what's happening. Luckily, she was smart enough to choose the second option.

Varsha let out a huff before speaking, "I did not elope with anyone. I ran because of the given scenario. That man simply helped me, he's of no importance so if you're holding him captive, let him go." She corrected her posture to give off some confidence and it had some effect on them.

"We don't have him. Your amazing lover apparently ran before we could even get our hands on him." Reena said as she folded her hands.

He is not my lover, he's my colleague. She wanted to say that but Varsha couldn't say that.

"We're leaving now, come on." Kamal said, signaling for her to follow him as he walked. Varsha stood there in shock. They must be close friends for him to forgive her so easily.

Varsha mustered up the courage to ask, "Where are we going?" And both of them looked at her with the most ridiculous stare.

"To my place, did you really think we'd let you live alone after the stunt you pulled?" Kamal spoke again and began walking again and this time she followed silently.

The car ride to the place was awfully awkward. On top of that, the rain caused quite a ruckus on the roads, so it was a very slow ride. None of them spoke for what felt like hours.

When they'd finally arrived at the place. Varsha was taken back for a while. What a big house no, what a big palace it was.

authors notes, my finals aren't over yet but I really wanted to update because I want varsha to meet rocky so yes.

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