The start (probs going to change the name)

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P.O.V Izuku:


It's night time around 1 am I'm running on the rooftops away from the person, I jump down into a dark alley hiding my presence away from the person till they finally leave and I sigh.

Hi there you're probably wondering who I am, I'm vigilante Kibo it means hope in japanese but my actual name is Izuku midoriya most people call me deku, i'm currently 14. the person who was chasing my was pro hero eraserhead as for i'm a vigilante but I technically haven't broken any laws as I don't have a quirk and I never strike first meaning it's self defense.

I waited till I knew eraserhead was gone and then walked out of the alleyway. I pull my phone from my pocket. mmh its only 1:30am maybe about an hour or two more of a patrol. I walk down the street and go into a coffee shop and order a coffee then sit on a rooftop of a building It is surprisingly peaceful.

I finally returned home around about 3:45am, I slowly climbed through my window so that it matters I doubt my mother would notice me coming in through the door. I change out of my vigilante costume and lay down in my bed and stare at my room, It is mostly bare I have some books and journals on a bookshelf and I have a handmade eraserhead poster Ironic right the underground pro hero who is trying to catch me to be interrogated by the police is my favorite pro hero, then I have a poster of present mic and all might in my room as well, I have a desk with a laptop and a desktop, my laptop is mostly for information gathering and coding or hacking as my desktop is for school work, I also have a few boxes of scrap metal and fabric that is mostly for making support gear or upgrades to my vigilante outfit. I wake up at about 6:30am

time for school. I start getting ready for school, after putting on my school uniform I walk down stairs I see my mother who is standing in the kitchen she doesn't say anything to me she doesn't even look at me, she hasn't since I was diagnosed quirkless but at least she allows me to continue living here and she will cook meals. after eating I leave for school, I don't know if I should even call it a school at this point it's more like a personal hell. when I walk into the school gates I try my best to avoid people mostly people who bully me, I put my bag into my locker and start walking to class.

???: "OI DEKU" 

I hear the angry antagonizing voice of my main bully katsuki bakugou we used to be best friends but that all changed when I was diagnosed quirkless.

me: "y-yes Kachan?"


me: "n-no Kachan"

Bakugou starts popping mini explosions in his palm, just then as he goes to hit me with his quirk the school bell rings. bakugou walks off going to class I follow a bit farther behind. thank you school bell I don't think i've ever been this happy over the school bell. I walk to class and sit in my seat a few minutes later the teacher walks in to the classroom and starts the lesson.

\|Time skip brought to you by Izuku already knowing the whole lesson|/

After class I walked out into the hallway trying my best to avoid people that are in the hall as I walk down to my locker to grab my bag to go home. I hear someone walking fastly towards me.

???: "OI DEKU"

me: "y-yes k-kachan"


bakugou pops some small explosions in his hand as he said this. he then swung at me using his quirk, as bakugou did a few of bakugou's friends joined in. I now had bruises and burns covering my face, abdomen,  shoulder, and arms, I watch as they walked away talking about how useless I was and more hateful things, after they were gone I got up. I definitely will need to stop by a pharmacy after I get out of here. I walked down the hall to my locker and I grabbed my bag then walked out of the school as school had been over for a while now. I walk down the street to my house first and walked straight up to my room putting my bag down and changed out of my school uniform. hmm it's quite I guess moms out then. I walked down the stairs and out the door I then walked down to the pharmacy and bought some bandage rolls and a medkit. I walk back into the house and walk up to the bathroom and tend to my wounds, after I finish bandaging up myself I walk down stairs and see a note on the table so I walk over and grab it. hmm I guess she left a note this time that's new I wonder what it is about. I sit down at the table and open the note.

The note: Izuku if you're reading this Im not coming back I found someone new and am leaving, I have taken all my personal belongings and have paid for a whole year's worth of the apartments rent, don't contact me. goodbye. sincerely Inko

mhh that's why it was so quiet she's not here, well this makes vigilante-ing much easier. I get up from the chair and walk into the kitchen, and look into the fridge and grab an apple. well I should go do some homework then get ready to go on patrol and annoy eraserhead! I walk back up stairs and open my bag grabbing out my homework and sit at my desk and start it, when I finish my homework I open my laptop and hack into the surveillance cameras around the city and I plan out my patrols based on top crime and spots of how to evade eraserhead, then I hack into the police reports area and look at what criminals are top on the list that I should be on the look for.

to be continued




(Hi stars I hope your all doing well sorry for taking so long to get this part out to y'all I did try and make it longer then my journal pages which I did, well I hope you enjoy this page see you all soon bye for now my stars. 1108 words)

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