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"Jiminie! Jiminie!" Tae shook you repeatedly as he tried to wake you up from your sleep.

"T-Tae! Let me sleep!" you mumbled curling into a ball winging as he woke you from a good dream that included the short but sexy corporal.

"Eh! Good morning sunshine! Today is your day off and I want to spend it with yah and my babies!!" he yells jumping on the spot. You sigh and look at your clock.

"Tae god damn it!! It's 5 in the morning!!" you yell getting out of bed getting your usual cleaning tools out of a habit.

"Haha oh Jiminie I'm getting to the point where I can actually call you a clean freak like I do with shorty!!" you snap your brown eyes at him.

"Hmm..." you say as you give your office a quick sweep over. Tae smirks nad giggles at you not bothering to tell you that the only thing you are wearing in an oversized button up white shirt covering your muscular body and why should he! It's your day off! You don't need to look proper to relax.

"Heh any time now..." Tae says smirking at your office door knowing you were going to get a visit for being too loud. And sure enough the door flew open to make you face to face to no one other than Kookie himself.

"Sir, do you need something?" you salute him waiting for further instructions from the man.

"Tch..." was all Kookie said as he looked you from head to toe a light pink shade coming to his cheeks in the process.

"Huh? Sir are you ok-" you cut yourself off and you looked at what you were wearing. And the factor that you were wearing black panties and a matching black bra did not help the matter one bit.

"Squad leader Jimin for the love of god... PUT SOME CLOTHES ON! Or i'll assign you to stable duties for a month!" Kookie yelled covering his eyes with his hands.

"s-sorry sir!" you yell dashing to your closet. You get dressed into your uniform as fast as you could manage. You had a bad feeling that today was just going to get worse. Brushing your long red hair to your liking. You walk out to see Tae laughing at Kookie for before.

"Uh was I interrupting something?" you say breaking the laughter from Tae.

"Oh Haha no I was just teasing shorty about his encounter with you! Haha! You should have seen his face!" he broke into another fit of laughter.

"Yeah... and if you don't stop this tae you won't have a face for much longer..." you smirk slightly at Kookie's death threat to Tae. You sigh at them as you make your way to your desk looking at the paperwork on it with distate.

"Jimin I, I'll be in my lab if you want to see me!" before you could say anything tae was gone flying down the hall leaving you and Kookie alone in an awkward silence.

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