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"Again, sir, I'm really sorry about... before." you look up at Kookie apologetically. But to your dismay he just looked at you with his usual expressionless face.

"Tch..." was all Kookie said still looking at you. Your eye twitched with anger as the sudden temptation to slap him came hard and strong.

"Idiot..." you mutter looking back down at your paperwork.

"What was that Park?" he says frowning at you. You were convinved Kookie was doing that because he wanted to annoy you. And IT was working!

"nothing sir..." you say biting your bottom lip as hard as you could while praying to the high heavens above that you didn't make it bleed but to your dismay it did, only a little though.

"Jimin... next time will you ever be so kind as to wear pants to bed..." and by that Kookie got up and left.

"S-shitty brat... Why are all the annoying brats so... hot?!" you yell while drawing Kookie with an arrow through his head. Yeah you liked the man but he can really gets on your nerves sometimes and you are sure he does not even know that he has done anything wrong. And yes to answer your own question today is going to be a bad day for you because Kookie was actually going to punish you in his own way behind your back.

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