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Mahima's mind was very upset because of society people but she thought one thing that the people of the society would not be so crazy that after seeing a boy and a girl together, they would say such things, there would be some reason behind it.

She was thinking that she should talk to Divyam related to this but she was secretly thinking that maybe she was just overthinking about it. Within no time, Mahima's phone rang and when she picked up the phone, her senior officer called her to the headquarters related to the new mission.

Without any delay she starts getting ready for the new mission and she does not tell anyone related to this mission and not even her friend and she left for the headquarters quickly after informing her parents.


( Divyam's mother makes a phone call to Divyam. )

I was sitting in my cabin and working when my mother called me.

M : Son where are you?

D : I am in the office, mummy, I am working.

M : When will you come home? It's 5 o'clock, we all have to go for dinner.

D : I will leave in half an hour, Mom, you all            be ready, then we will leave.

After this conversation, mom hung up the phone and I quickly finished my work and left for home. As soon as I reach home, I freshen up and barely within 10 minutes of freshening up, I went out to my mom's friend's place for dinner with my family.

After driving for hardly 20 minutes, I reached Kapoor's house with my family. I rang the doorbell of their house to open the gate and after 1 minute of ringing the doorbell, Mr & Mrs Kapoor's daughter came from the entrance of the house and opened the gate for us and then we all entered the house.

I still remember that the last time I came to his house was 7-8 years ago. As I entered the house I saw Mr & Mrs Kapoor there waiting for us.

Mr Kapoor's family was also not very big, his family consisted only of Mr. & Mrs. Kapoor, their daughter & Mr. Kapoor's parents. When I was very young, I loved going to their house, but as I grew up, I found solace in being alone.

As far as I remember, Mr. & Mrs. Kapoor have two daughters and at this time their younger daughter was at home. But then I did not pay much attention to all these things and sat on the couch with my family.

Everyone was talking among themselves and at that time some files related to work had arrived on my business mail, so I started checking them. Then Mr. Kapoor asked me about my work and how was my work going on etc. I also said that all things  are going well and then uncle told me that due to work i changed a lot Like I used to have a lot of fun earlier, but ever since I started working, I have become serious and don't even have much fun.

Then I told my uncle that every kid used to have fun in their childhood but everyone has to be grown up, even mummy and Papa  have also grown up and in the future, everything will have to be seen by me. So this is the right time to learn to manage everything on my own. Even uncle & aunty agreed with my words.

On this pretext, I asked aunty where her elder daughter was. Aunty said that she has gone for dance classes and then we ended the matter there.

While talking like this, it was 9:30 in the night so we all had dinner and by the time of dinner it was almost 11 o'clock. So after dinner, we all sat in the car and got ready to go home. It was very dark and I don't know why suddenly there was fog on the road tonight.

But the good thing is that we reached home comfortably and after reaching home everyone slept, but I was not able to sleep at all. I was comfortably passing the time by turning on the TV when the news came on TV that theft cases started coming in our city.

I didn't take it all that seriously because the police will start handling it themselves and if the cases start increasing, then I would hire extreme level tight security for family members and also for the house. Then suddenly a thought came to my mind that Mahima enjoys catching thieves and she will definitely solve this case with her team.

And after thinking about all this, I went to sleep.


Mahima would have been called related to which mission? We'll get to know this in upcoming episodes.

Till then stay connected with us and show your love to us ❤️

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