Chapter Two

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Create a paradise anywhere you go. – Bjork

It was the night before my flight and I was packing the last of my things as I would have to be up and out the door by 6am. I kept my hygiene products out that I needed for the morning, but my bag for them was nearby as to so I could pack it and bring it with me. I climbed into bed and closed my eyes and began to drift off, hoping that the morning would come quickly as darkness overtook me.

The Next Morning

It was 5am and I was up making my bed before I went to change. My dirty clothing would be placed in a bag and would come with me as I did not want them to sit for a month without being washed. Once I freshened up and changed into a pair of grey leggings and a black tank top with grey hoodie. I pull my long, wavy, blond hair up into a ponytail as my blue-green eyes examine my look before I pulled on a pair of black flats and packed the rest of my things before bringing them down to sit next to the front door. I then went about the apartment making sure things were unplugged and that windows and doors were locked before making my way out to my living room to wait. At 5:55am, a knock on my door announced that my ride had arrived.

I opened the door to a young man who nodded to me and showed his credentials. I had received an email a few days prior with a photo of my driver so that I knew he was the one taking me to the airport.

"Hello Miss Ryan, I am Jason Sterling and I will be your driver this morning." He says with a beautiful smile.

"Good morning Jason. You can call me Cole." I say as I grab a few of my bags.

Jason grabs my two large suitcases and carries them to his car. I lock the front door behind me after setting my alarm and pull my purse of my shoulder. I make my way to the car as he takes my bags and place them in the trunk before opening a door for me. I enter the car and sit, buckling myself in before he gets into the driver's seat and we take off.

"Going to Florida huh?" he asked.

"Yes. I need a vacation." I say, not knowing how much the young man knows.

'Enjoy the sun. We're supposed to get rain for the next few weeks up here."

Which was true, there was some storm coming from the west that was going to dump a bunch of rain on Pennsylvania. I was just happy to not be here for when it did, it always led to flooding and muddy conditions.

"I will. This is my first vacation in five years, ya know? It feels weird."

"Then you deserve it." He says as he enters the highway and merges into traffic.

We become silent as I peer outside to the rising sun. The night sky gives way and it seems so beautiful. With me in my head, I don't realize that we have arrived at the airport and have parked at the drop off area.

"We're here Nicole." He says, breaking me from my thoughts.

I unbuckle myself and get out. Jason gets out and pulls my bags out and hands them to me before I pull the handles up on my suitcases. With a nod and a thank you, I leave the young man and head inside the almost silent airport.

I head over to the counter where I will check in and check my luggage in for the flight. Once that's done, I am directed to the sitting area nearby to have a seat and a cup of coffee as my flight will be leaving soon. I bypass the coffee as I am too tired to have any and I would want to nap on the plane. It would be a four hour flight and I should be in Orlando before noon.

"Flight 123 to Orlando is now boarding." I heard on the intercom and I got up, grabbed the bags that I was carrying on and made my way to the loading bay.

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