Chapter Five

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There ain't no place like paradise. – Tupac Shakur

After the exciting game of Truth or Dare, we moved on to have lunch in the dining area. Lunch consisted on sandwiches and salads. It was a light fare as we would be swimming later on in the day and our stomachs needed to settle before we swam. RM was given the chore to pick a winner for the first game, deciding which question made him blush the most. Rosa was announced the winner. She cheered from her seat before finishing her food.

It was soon time to head outside to sit around the pool. There would be some pool games to play to rack up points for the board. The first game to start was water volleyball. The seven contestants and 7 members of BTS took to the water. It would be contestants against BTS. I stood towards the front near the net as I was one of the better players, having played volleyball in school. Next to me was Tia and Em. The others were spread out behind us as our friends and family sat off on the sidelines watching us play.

"Go Cole!" Lady cheered.

The gamed started and I threw a spike the first time, giving us a point. The game continued for a while. Between Ray, Tia and I, we were scoring points over BTS. I smirked as Jimin tried to spike the ball at me but I was able to catch it and spike it back, gaining us another point.

"You're cheating!" he yelled.

"I can't help it that you suck at this game!" I yelled back.

Jungkook changes places with him and I know that I am in trouble as the golden maeknae is really good at this game and they were holding back until the very last minute.

The game continues with Jungkook scoring one after another. With us tied, I take a deep breath and serve, only for him to miss and we win the game. My group cheers as we make our way out of the pool to dry off and get drinks of water.

"Good job." RM tells us as they take some seats to rest.

We split into smaller groups, some going back to their huts to change and rest; while some of us sat pool side and caught tans. I stayed in the shade some as I burned very easily and I didn't want to deal with a sunburn for the next few days.

"Hey Cole." I heard Jin call out. He came over and sat next to me as I had isolated myself from the others a bit. "Are you alright?"

"Just tired Jin. I am not used to this heat and so much sun. I'm from the mountain range of Pennsylvania, where we hardly get summers and I am always in the shade. Hence why I am so pale." I laugh.

"Well, try and join in as much as possible. This show is about getting to know other ARMIES as well as us."

"I will. There are times I will be by myself just to regroup. I don't mean to offend anyone."

Jin pats my hand, "Just try to join as much as you can." And he's gone back to the others.

I sigh as Lady comes over to me and takes the seat he's just vacated.

"What was that all about?" she asks.

"Jin asking me join the activities."

"Well, you need some alone time to regroup. Some of these contestants and their plus ones are annoying as hell."

"I agree. Maybe you and I need to go take a swim in the ocean, I need to get away from the others."

"Lead the way." She says as we grab our things and head to the private beach and lay down our towels before taking a dive into the ocean.

We hear shouts coming from the pool when RM comes running down towards us.

"You can't be out here alone." He says as he tries to catch his breath.

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