Chapter 6 : 5. First compromises

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Lord Voldemort was mad. And he knew he was. It was a strange thing for him to be aware of this destroyed side of his personality that he was unable to fight against. More or less sane, that's what he was after a decade of living as a spirit, in addition to what he had lost during the war by developing his obsession with prophecy. And especially for those affected by it. Because Voldemort knew that his madness only revolved around a little being who grew up in a very imperfect world and against him.

Voldemort was insanely obsessed with Harry Potter.

When the piece of soul contained in the diary had returned to him, the great black mage that he was had needed a little time to face the terrible reality. Yes, he knew that he had lost sight of his objectives a little while the war continued, but that was also partly due to the creation of those expensive Horcruxes... Voldemort was not an idiot, he knew full well that the We lost things during these kinds of rituals. He had only thought he was losing his magical strength, however, not his intelligence. And even less control over himself. However, all the evidence was before him and he had to accept that he had betrayed himself by seeking this ideal to defeat death. He had betrayed himself and his supporters.

For just one person who was a fundamental pillar in his mind now. Because Voldemort had tried to remove Harry Potter from his mental space. In vain. Every night he dreamed of the teenager, of what they had shared together through the diary. He saw him dying from the basilisk venom in his veins and the relief, such relief as the phoenix saved him. Why and how, he did not understand but Lord Voldemort had a certainty born in his entire being.

A world without Harry Potter was not a world that should exist.

From then on, after his painful and painful return, the black mage never stopped finding how to integrate his enemy into his plans. To stop seeing him as an enemy. To only see him as the most precious object there was if he wanted his mind to continue functioning at its best and not completely descend into a madness that would cause him to burn the world down in one way or another. Harry Potter was his sweet obsession, his madness and he had to take care of it. So he set to work. And how much he loved to work on it had proved to him that he couldn't do anything without the teenager.

How much this one was his, entirely. Lord Voldemort had the reason why Harry Potter was Harry Potter. And he wanted it to be even more than that. His little lion. His.

When the door opened that Saturday evening, Voldemort smiled, his eyes still on the fire in the Room of Requirement. He had thought about the danger but nothing had been enough for him to bear going without Harry for months on end. He would feel her weight and warmth against his body again. He would read fear and joy in her eyes. He was going to enjoy every effect he could have on this young boy who had no idea what was happening and had no way to stop it. Because Voldemort wouldn't hesitate to lock him in a cage so as not to lose him. His, just his. He inhaled deeply as the teenager stopped next to him, feeling himself vibrate with joy and desire as he gazed at the glint of determination in his green eyes. Oh, Harry had no awareness of what he was doing to her, that was for sure. Voldemort reached out and stroked her cheek. How he wanted it, oh yes, how hungry he was...

-Good evening, Harry.


Harry couldn't help but be taken aback and embarrassed by the bright gleams in Voldemort's eyes. The man had raised his hand with nonchalant calm to caress her cheek, as if it were normal. Of course, this wasn't the first time the dark wizard had done this and Harry still wondered why his scar didn't hurt. That slight buzz he felt there could almost melt him. Whatever he did, it seemed far too easy for the dark mage to tame him. And this state of affairs brought Harry out of his early well-being and he stepped back. Voldemort's hand remained in the air between them. Then she slowly placed herself on her armrest.

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