Chapter 1

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Sean's pov

It was another boring day at my high school in the quiet town of Lilac River. I'm in math class, which is the class I have right before lunch. As I wrote my notes for the upcoming test this week, the class was interrupted by a knock at the door.Our teacher, Mr. Angelo, stood up and answered the door.

"Oh! What a surprise! Well 8B, I'm happy to introduce you to our two newest students, Oliver and Olive." Mr. Angelo announced before two people walked into the classroom.

Both of them had silvery blonde hair and skin as pale as a vampire's. The only reason they weren't complete identical twins was because of their genders, since Oliver was a boy and Olive was a girl.

Nonetheless, Olive sat next to a brunette girl who sat on the other side of the classroom, who was wearing a casual outfit of a pale green sweater and jeans. Her names was Jessica, but no one ever called her that since most knew her as nicknames, Jessie or Jess.

Then, on my side of the classroom, was where Oliver sat. What are the odds he sat right next to me? Once Oliver made it to his seat, all he did was quietly wave and place his notebook on his desktop, also did I mention that both Olive and Oliver have matching notebooks too? I swear, at this point the both of them are purposely trying to make themselves look as similar as physically possible.

Anyways, the class continued and Mr. Angelo looked around the class, keeping an eye out for students who needed help. I didn't pay much attention since I was busy trying to get to know Oliver. I then gently nudged his shoulder.

"Don't you think you're lucky that you don't have to do the test on Friday?" I asked in a quiet voice so Mr. Angelo wouldn't hear.

Oliver than pulled out his notebook and wrote something in it. Once finished, he lifted it and showed it to me. It read 'I guess.'

I was a bit odd. "I wonder why he wrote it?" I thought. I just ignored it, since their had to be some sort of reasoning behind it. Maybe he couldn't talk. I'll just go with that until I actually find out.

After that, I just ignored it and thought about other things. Like how Oliver always wore a flat expression. It was as if there wasn't a soul behind those dreamy- er, I meant, pale, green eyes. It was the same with his sister. Creepy stuff.

The class continued on until the bell rang for lunch. I grabbed my things and then left the classroom. I then headed towards my friends, who were Liam, a tall guy with dirty blonde hair and Nathaniel, an emo boy with dark hair and bracelets and chain necklaces and all that. He wasn't that bad, he just had a bit of a dark humor.

"Hey Sean, how's it like sitting next to Oliver?" Liam asked looking towards me. I shrug.

"It's not too bad." I said nonchalantly. Though, I still had my mind on Oliver.

I mean, he quiet and creepy, who wouldn't have questions? It's a bit rude to question him too much, since he's mute, but I don't know if he doesn't know sign language or just chooses not to use it since he suspected that not much 8th grade students would know any sign language.

There's another thing I noticed. He's like, really observant about everything. It's almost like he can read people's minds and tell the future. Or maybe he's just smart. Maybe if we became friends he could help me with homework, but I wouldn't know if he wanted to be friends with me in the first place.

(I'm aware I never added stuff about the "hero" guy yet, and I'm sorry but I'm getting to it! I swear it'll be in the next chapter)

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