Chapter 4: Heart To Heart

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Alexia Riddle

I did as Tom told me to and sucked it up and got ready to face the girls. I brushed lint of my robes, straightened my skirt and wiped away any traces of sweat from my face. It seemed like I was a soldier ready to go into battle. To some extent I was. Come on Alexia, you can do this. You have faced worse.

I walked into the room in defense mode with a fake smile plastered on my face and found the girls fast asleep in their beds. I released a breadth I didn't know I was holding and climbed into my bed faster than when Mattheo ran from that Greyhound after he provoked it once in London. I mentally chuckled at the memory. It always calmed my nerves. I can meet my roommates tomorrow. I may be the daughter of the darkest wizard of the century but I was a prisoner to social anxiety. Even the bravest soldiers need beauty sleep and it was time for mine.


It was the next morning and I along with Tom and Mattheo was sitting in the great hall and eating our breakfast. Tom was having scrambled eggs and bacon and Matt was having toast and cereal. I was eating fruits along with yogurt.

"Is that all you're eating?" Matt asked me with a mouthful of cereal and some milk spilled out of his mouth.

I looked at him in disdain and answered, "No" I picked up my glass of orange juice and held it in front of his face. He looked at me like I had done the most absurd thing ever. "I am just not hungry." I tried to explain myself but it did little to change his expression.

"First day jitters?" Tom cut in before Mattheo and I got in another one of our arguments over the stupidest topics.

"More like elephants jumping in my stomach and slowly choking me with their trunks until I fade into oblivion." I answered in fraudulent relaxation.

Tom released a heavy sigh before launching into his lecture. "Lexi, how many do I have to tell you, you'll be fi-"

"Hi." A cool voice cut in. Thank Merlin for the interruption. The cool voice belonged to the platinum blonde boy from last night. Alongside him stood the girl from last night. I recognized her as one of my roommates. Now that I was less hungover from tiredness they actually seemed decent.

"We're your fellow Slytherins." Blondie spoke. He had grey eyes the shade of gunmetal.

"I'm Draco."

"I'm Pansy."

"I'm nauseous." Tom said without bothering to look up from his plate. And when he did a small smirk played on his lips while mischievousness glinted in his eyes. Matt and I snickered.

He slid off his seat and slipped his bag on his shoulder. "I'm going to get to my first class." He started to walk away after giving me a reassuring pat on my arm and slapping Matt across his head, successfully receiving an "Ow!" from him. The head of our house, Professor Snape had already given us our schedule in the morning. Draco slid in the seat previously occupied by Tom across me and Pansy beside him with flabbergasted expressions.

"You'll have to forgive our brother. He is a bit..........paranoid." I tried to ease the tension. I did not want to spend my life here with no friends. I extended my hand in front of Draco for him to shake it. He just looked at it and awkwardly chuckled. We sat this way for a minute while Draco looked around at Pansy as if asking for help. I was starting to feel insecure and almost retracted my hand. Just then Pansy slid hers in mine and gave me a firm shake. Her hazel eyes were warm and offered friendship.

"Its the post Potter trauma." Her answer did not resolve my confusion one bit. "He is an idiot. Forget him."

I nodded hesitantly, "I-I am Alexia, Lexi for short."

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