💦 Heat (1/2) 💦

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Hiiii!!! I lost the motivation to write for a short while but I got it done so here you go. ⚠️SMUT WARNING ⚠️ absolutely no mercy on either of them :)


Example of Text:

MoonDrop: "Hello"
Sundrop: "Hello"
Other/Author: "Hello"


- Nobody's POV -

It was another successful day at the daycare, all the kids had left and they were surprisingly well behaved that day. Sun walked around the daycare in search for any messes when he came across a strange looking bottle. He picks it up and examines it carefully. Inside contained pink tablets shaped like hearts, it looked like candy! Further examining the bottle Sun realizes the label had been ripped off, which was slightly suspicious but he overlooked it. He studies the rest of the bottle before opening it, he's then hit in the face with a strong scent of strawberries. Sun figured if the tablets smelled sweet then they must be safe to eat, right? (Don't do drugs guys) There were a total of 8 tablets in the container, he shakes the bottle causing four to fall into his hand, he wanted to save the other 4 for Moon. He raises his hand to his mouth and downs all 4 at once, the flavor of sweet strawberries on his taste buds made him ecstatic, strawberries were his favorite fruit after all.

Sun reseals the bottle and happily skips over to Moon, who just finished cleaning the arts and crafts corner. "Moony~!!! Look what I found!! Candy!!" Sun shouts waving the bottle in the air for Moon to see. Moon looks back, softly smiling and walks towards his overly excited lover. Sun proudly presents the bottle to Moon "I already had four and I brought the rest for you!!" Sun excitedly jumps up and down, handing Moon the bottle. Moon smiled, not thinking twice about where the bottle had come from or what kind of candy it was. Without a second thought Moon consumed the last 4 candies "Yum! Taste like strawberries. Thank you, Starlight~" Moon thanked Sun, leaning closer to Sun's ear "They aren't as sweet as you though~" "M-Moony!!" Sun shouts, blushing in embaressment. Moon chuckles, entwining his fingers with Sun's, their fingers fitting together like puzzle pieces. "Come on, Starlight, we still have 2 more rooms to clean~" Sun nods, embracing Moon and leading him to the closet where the cleaning products are stored.

As they leave Moon tosses the bottle in a nearby trashcan......completely unaware of what they just ingested moments ago.

- Moon's POV -

"Okay, so I'll clean this room and you can clean up the other room and we'll be done!" Sun says cheerfully as he grabs a handful of cleaning products to take with him. "Sounds good Starlight, see you in a little bit." I smile and grab the remaining supplies. We wave goodbye and part ways, as I turn away I slightly pout, I didn't want to be apart from Sun. I plan to clean this room as quickly as possible, the sooner I get done the sooner I can go cuddle my amazing boyfriend. As I make my way to the room I start to feel a little hot and dizzy? 'Jeez, it wasn't this hot earlier was it?' I think. I decided to brush it off and continue my journey to the room I needed to clean. I finally make it to the room and enter, immediately starting to tidy up. As I clean my mind begins to wander, 'Once I'm finished cleaning this room maybe me and Sun can draw for a while-' my thoughts are interrupted by the sudden mention of Sun. 'Sun....' My mind starts to trail as I start to think lewd thought about him in different positions...making different noises...in different outfits......what the-? I blush rapidly as the thoughts fully consume my mind.

"Hey Moon check out what I found, it's sort of like bracelets with a collar attached to it? I don't exactly know what it is but I tried to put it on, what do you think?"

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